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Thread: Difficulty

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  1. Talking Difficulty

    So this may be an unusual question, I wouldn't know. So I am pretty new to this game, as you can tell, from the following question.
    How come, on the second stage of an event, any event, somewhat under-leveled bugs ABSOLUTELY DECIMATE my 6* (something I was probably extremely fucking lucky to get, no joke) and my 5*s in 2 hits? I mean, hey difficulty is alright, I've soloed every boss of all 3 Dark Souls games... but 2 hits? 2 hits? 2 hits?! Yeah, I mean, balanced enough, no complaints, I don't even want to kill myself right now.

  2. Is your 6* evolved and upgraded to 70?

    FKG ID: 795811144
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  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Did you evolve your girls and level them up again ? That pretty much doubles all of their stats (Units - tab number 4)
    Did you spend gifts to raise their affection to 100% ? Also gives bunch of additional stats
    Did you give them equipment ?
    Did you play the actual tutorial that explains bunch of this crap ?

    All of these questions need to be answered by yourself as those answers are most likely what you are looking for.

    And yes eventually there are maps with difficulty high enough to 3 shot a maxed out, ampy boosted 6*, however those are not in this version of the game, and will not be implemented for a VERY looong time still.

  4. Absolutely not, and far from it, around level 35 or so, I dunno.
    Checked, 32.

    Still though, if they deal as much damage as they do, why are they level 25? And not level 225? (Irony intensifies)

    For reals though, I'm not actually complaining, just want to get that cleared up. Asking a genuine question, that's all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Keep in mind, I have logged in for maybe 5-6 days, where I played more than average.
    Evolution, no, as previously mentioned.
    Affection, barely started, 6* at 50%, does it matter what you give them? Like their favorites or whatnot?
    Gear, I could, but it wouldn't be any good gear.
    Tutorial, I should have, but that would be long ago.

  5. #5

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    May 2016
    So thats something you need to be working on then. Once evolved the girls will pay you back in dividens believe me. The escalation is not steep but events are exception ot this rule. And its strongly advised to try and get at least few of your girls evolved so you have one "run through" team that can survive the map to get you the victory rewards (even if the others die in the process (as long as you get what you need you can always try to 3 medal the stage at a later point).

    There are 3 types of events mobs
    -DPS ones - most of the times you encounter these. Low lvl mobs that deal SHIT tons of damage, regardless of their low lvl.
    -Tanky ones - they do not deal much damage, but can soak quite a lot of punishment from your team.
    -balanced ones - as the name suggests they are balanced, have decent defense and deal moderate damage, you wont encounter these too often in all honesty.

  6. #6

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    A level 32 not max affection 6* is easy to kill. Espacially on event maps. Event pests are way better than main missions pests of the same level (and above). I think you speak about the second phase of the current reissued event. Pests on this one are strong, even on beginner mission. It's not that surprising. Just remember that event are hard for new players and need a certain amount of total power to be done without troubles.
    The only advices I have are:
    - Boost affections of your best girls.
    - Take a powerful ally to rush the mission.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. -You can only hire allies around the power level of your own helper deck, I think.
    -Do we even get halfway decent equipment from equipment gacha? If not, where does one go to get improved equipment?
    -Those missions where you go to encounter Manyu are the best for indirect leveling, right? With indirect, I mean that we probably get Manyu as drops there, no?
    -What is used to evolve?
    -I'm not sure if a picture was uploaded, And sorry if more than one was.
    -Is it worth using a Rainbow Skillbloom on Ardisia? I guess this could be considered a 'halfway personal dilemma'.
    -Again, does it matter what you give them to raise their affection, does giving them their favorites raise stats even more?
    Lots of boring, basic questions here, fit for a newbie, I guess.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ah, and one more thing, it's not like I expected to win, not with this trash deck. Pretty much compared my strength from then>now. What I am after is ways to improve.
    Last edited by Sgt Virgin Retard; 01-29-2017 at 03:11 PM. Reason: Grammar

  8. #8

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    - Nope. You can get everything as allies. Just remember that allies girls level will be adjusted to your higher level girl. But even lvl 33, an ally with 5 evolved max affection 5* or more girls is a good ally. But yes, the game tend to propose you some allies with almost the same level. To get better allies, you can ask here in the Friend ID list thread or use the raid bosses fight tofind good players and send them a request.

    - You can get good equipment with mid-grade equipment gacha seeds. Just forget about the low-grade ones. To get them, just fight high level raid bosses. Don't mind if you do almost nothing, seeds are only depend on the boss level and not on the dealed damages.

    - The best girls to evolve here are 6* and 5*. But due to your level, try the 4* and 3* first. They need less coins and less dragons. It's easier to evolve some low rarity girls to get a some solid units and then, focus on better girls.

    - Picture is uploaded.

    - It worth totally. Ardisia's skill is good and attack all enemies. It's usefull on event since you have a lot of 3 pest groups. Even on bosses groups. And anyway, you certainly could get another one before you could get another 6* (at least if you are totally F2P).

    - It matter. Giving favorite item don't raise stats more but raise affection faster. For example, Ardisia loves toys. If you give her a small teddy bear, she will get +2% affection. If you give her a small slice of cake, she will get only +1% affection.
    Also remember that your first 4* girl is already 100% affection and she is certainly stronger than your 6* (even more if you are a lucky guy and strat with St Paulia).

    The best way to improve... I think it's focus on leveling your girls (do manyu daily missions) and affection rising. Also, strat to focus on lower rarity girls like 3* (with this event it's pretty easy to get them through the event gacha). Sure they are weak but they will grow faster and easier.
    And above all, farm coins. A lot of coins. as much as possible.
    Also, a really REALLY good advice, try to use eficienlty your level up. Leveling up refill your stamina, raid bosses point and gather point. Try to level up when there are empty. Try to waste as less stamina as you can. Don't hestitate to do less useful missions just to use stamina before level up (daily missions or present missions are really good since they cost a lot of stamina and give low exp).

    And anther advice just for you, focus on the girls of the next event and next reissued event. They have the fabulous ability to give x1.2 battle skill activation for the whole team, based on girls affection. It work really REALLY well with Japanese Iris and Ardisia since they have multipe target skills.
    Last edited by maotd; 01-29-2017 at 03:56 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Virgin Retard View Post
    -You can only hire allies around the power level of your own helper deck, I think.
    -Do we even get halfway decent equipment from equipment gacha? If not, where does one go to get improved equipment?
    -Those missions where you go to encounter Manyu are the best for indirect leveling, right? With indirect, I mean that we probably get Manyu as drops there, no?
    -What is used to evolve?
    -I'm not sure if a picture was uploaded, And sorry if more than one was.
    -Is it worth using a Rainbow Skillbloom on Ardisia? I guess this could be considered a 'halfway personal dilemma'.
    -Again, does it matter what you give them to raise their affection, does giving them their favorites raise stats even more?
    Lots of boring, basic questions here, fit for a newbie, I guess.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ah, and one more thing, it's not like I expected to win, not with this trash deck. Pretty much compared my strength from then>now. What I am after is ways to improve.
    1) Your allies are scaled down in level to the highest level of one of your units. Tried and true strategy would be to focus on one unit and level it as much as possible to get the most out of your allies. (It doesn't have to be in your first team, but somewhere in the set).

    2) The mid-grade equipment gives decent equipment when lucky. (This takes hitting higher level raid bosses). They can be improved from there via equipment upgrades, but that takes getting to level 40.

    3) Evolving - look at the wiki at the top of the pages for all the details, but the short: character needs to be at max level, you need cash, and bloom dragons of the right type and size for the character you want to evolve - those can be gotten from their respective dailies. For now focus on leveling up.

    4) The manyu dailies will always give you manyus, which is the best way to level. Secret gardens give them too if you get enough of them. These are the only ways to level your girls.

    5) I'd use a rainbow skill bloom on Ardisia, sure. Attack all, good stats overall. If you have one that is. If you don't have one then level before worrying too much about it.

    6) Giving a girl their favorite raises affection twice as quick as a non-favorite gift - you'd get to the same place in the end but it's quicker and more efficient with favorites.

    As far as the units you have: Ardisia, Japanese Iris, and Lupine are all units I think are solid. They're just under level for what you're trying to do. Silvers can have decent stats at a high enough level (yours are so much lower that they aren't much help) and can be used to fill in gaps until you have better units.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt Virgin Retard View Post
    -You can only hire allies around the power level of your own helper deck, I think.
    -Do we even get halfway decent equipment from equipment gacha? If not, where does one go to get improved equipment?
    -Those missions where you go to encounter Manyu are the best for indirect leveling, right? With indirect, I mean that we probably get Manyu as drops there, no?
    -What is used to evolve?
    -I'm not sure if a picture was uploaded, And sorry if more than one was.
    -Is it worth using a Rainbow Skillbloom on Ardisia? I guess this could be considered a 'halfway personal dilemma'.
    -Again, does it matter what you give them to raise their affection, does giving them their favorites raise stats even more?
    Lots of boring, basic questions here, fit for a newbie, I guess.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ah, and one more thing, it's not like I expected to win, not with this trash deck. Pretty much compared my strength from then>now. What I am after is ways to improve.
    -You can hire allies of a higher powerlevel at times, but, their helper unit will tuned down to the level of your highest leveled girl from unit 1.
    So what people usually do, is level their best girl (in your case Ardisia) as fast as possible. Use at least 2/3rd of the purple manyus you find on her (since you do want your other magic girls to level at least a little bit, to help 3-medal the maps)

    -The mid-grade equipment seeds (dropped from raidbosses above lvl 40) is pretty decent. Especially when you level it up a little bit (equipment upgrade tab on the unit screen). The +10 items are pretty hard to find, but those should be the ones you upgrade. Don't upgrade lower quality items (+9 or less) or low-grade equipment more than once, since eventually, you'll want to feed even +9 jewelry to your +10 jewelry. Use rings to upgrade rings, bracelets to upgrade bracelets, etc. Be careful, leveling equipment is as expensive as leveling your girls!

    -If you mean the daily missions (they change every day), then yes, but you'll get way less gold from those maps, which is also needed to level your girls.

    -For evolving, you need "dragons". We can only get those on monday, tuesday, thursday and friday. Each of those days features a different color dragon. Dragons also come in 3 different qualities for each color.
    A 2* girl requires 5 low quality dragons of her color.
    A 5* girl requires 3 high quality dragons and 2 mid-quality dragons of her color.
    A 6* girl requires 5 high quality dragons of her color.
    Evolving also costs a lot of gold, be warned! A 2* costs 50k gold to evolve, a 6* costs 200k to evolve.

    -Yes, use that skillbloom on Ardisia, unless you expect to get more 6* soon (very unlikely, unless you pay real money. they're very rare drops from gacha pulls). It will increase the trigger-rate of her special attack (and give a little bit of experience, but not much)

    -Favourite gifts only give double the affection, meaning they allow you to reach 100% affection faster, so you can move on to the next girl to give presents to. Just give each type of present only to girls who have it as their favourite, so effectively, you should always have four girls you're giving presents to at the same time.

    Lots more useful information can be found here: http://harem-battle.club/flower-knig...uide-tips.html

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