Quote Originally Posted by paraphin View Post
sooo today is payday everyone :3
if you managed to collect 4300 votes you should get the following (if i get that right):

Gacha Seeds x1000
Equipment Gacha Seeds x1000
Anniversary Ring
Intermediate Equipment Gacha Seeds x1000
Rainlily / Lv. 30 / Skill Lv. 5 / Equipment Slot 4
Anniversary Necklace
Anniversary Earrings
3% increase Gifts - 4 types x3 (12 gifts in total)
Lv. 100 Manyu - 4 of each type x3 (12 manyus in total)
100.000 Coins
Sacred Beast Ampy - 3 types x5 (15 ampys in total)
Anniversary Bracelet

not bad, if you think about the low difficulty of the event.

oh, i bet everything on Anemone, but sadly she has no chance of winnig :<
I imagine the update will take a good 5-6 hours, so clear your stamina and raid points ASAP!