Made my pulls and I'm happy with them.
Got a Bronze on the single, and in my 11 pull I grabbed a Convallaria dupe, a Scarlet Tulip dupe and an Oxalis dupe, as well as a new gal; Fir.

Pretty solid roles, since Convallaria and Scarlet are my current two highest level mages. Scarlet got both skill and equip, putting her at 3/3. Conva crapped out and didn't get her second skill level up. Oxalis also got her skill up, so I might start investing in her.

Can't decide if I'll go for Phase 3 though. Getting a Rose dupe might be a good idea, to bring her up to 3 equipment slots. I've also had my eye on Madonna though, so I'm torn between those two choices and actually getting Anthurium on my main account rather than just appreciating the one on my alt. Too many options.

Edit reason: Dumb typos and bad sentence structure.