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    Join Date
    May 2015

    Easter Exchange Ticket Gacha (4/14 - 4/17)

    Anyway, this seems like another Black Friday-tier sale.

    Thinking I'll grab Lagurus to go along with the Suzuki I just got in the other deal.

    Also, the compilation list of sales is probably getting too large at this point, so I'll start spoilering it from here on out.

    1. Ticket #1 (7/01 - 7/08): Anemone / Cactace / Cattleya / Dendrobium
    2. Step-Up #1 (8/05 - 8/12): Random (up to and including Daisy)
    3. Ticket #2 (8/12 - 8/19): Fritillaria / Sakura / Mei Plumblossom
    4. Step-Up #2 (9/02 - 9/09): Kerria
    5. Ticket #3 (9/08 - 9/17): Alpinia / Anemone / Flowering Peach (player-voted)
    6. Step-Up #3 (9/15 - 9/22): (Bridal) Cactace, $110 total
    7. Ticket #4 (9/29 - 10/06): Cherry / Daisy / Dianthus
    8. Step-Up #4 (10/06 - 10/13): Dogwood + ten $5 bonus steps for possible rainbow skill/dressbloom
    9. Step-Up #5 (10/13 - 10/20): Black Baccara
    10. Ticket #5 (10/20 - 10/27): Dendrobium / Ionocidium / Fritillaria
    11. 5* Step-Up #1 (10/27 - 11/3): Four steps, $66 total, 1-2 random golds + a choice of any gold (prior to Lantana / Apple of Sodom)
    12. Bridal Oncidium FG gacha (11/3 - 11/10): 10+1 FG roll guaranteed gold special, 20% chance vs. 80% random gold
    13. Sakura early Black Friday (11/10 - 11/17): Sakura only, $30 single-roll
    14. 5* Ticket #1 (11/17 - 11/24): Single roll, $30 each (up to three times), pick any gold (prior to Epidendrum / Snapdragon)
    15. Black Friday ticket special (11/25 - 11/28): $10 11-roll, pick any rainbow except Lycoris / Bridal Oncidium
    16. Step-Up #6 (12/2 - 12/9): Lycoris + $30 rainbow skill/dressbloom
    17. Step-Up #7 (12/15 - 12/22): Christmas Rose + three steps, 1x secret gift each, NO guaranteed golds
    18. Apple/Ivy early Christmas special (12/22 - 12/29): Apple/Ivy only, $30 each
    19. New Year's Step-Up (12/30/16 - 1/6/17): Three 11-roll steps, step 1 ($100): regular rates, step 2 ($50): 5* and 6* only (95%/5%), step 3 ($30): 5* and 6* only (90%/10%)
    20. Ardisia New Year (1/5 - 1/12): Ardisia only, 25% off ($45), free rainbow skill+dressbloom
    21. Nutaku 2nd anniversary (1/13 - 1/16): $30 11-roll, pick one of the five launch rainbows (Black Baccara, Alpinia, Cactace, Mei Plumblossom, Sakura)
    22. Step-Up #8 (1/19 - 1/26): Victoria only, step 1 ($45) = single roll (standard rates) + rainbow skill/dressbloom, step 2 ($15) = Victoria
    23. Developer's Ticket, part 1 (1/26 - 2/2): $30 11-roll, choose from Evening Primrose, Setaria, Rose, or Violet
    24. Developer's Ticket, part 2 (2/2 - 2/9): $50 11-roll, choose from Kerria, Dianthus, Alpinia, or Cattleya
    25. Step-Up #9 (2/9 - 2/16): $75 six steps, 1-2 random 5* + gold skillbloom and 1 6* + rainbow skill/dressbloom at the end
    26. Valentine's Gacha (2/14 - 2/16): $30 single roll, choose any rainbow (up to and including Helenium)
    27. Maple FG Gacha (2/16 - 2/23): 10+1 FG roll guaranteed gold special, 20% chance vs. 80% random gold
    28. Random Step-Up #10 (2/23 - 3/2): Five steps, $48, 1 gold + skillbloom, 1 gold + skill/dressbloom, 1 rainbow + dressbloom
    29. Spring Break Cleaning Gacha (3/2 - 3/9): Three 11-roll steps, $70/$50/$30, first step contains 4*-6* (82%/16.5%/1.5%), step 2 contains 5*-6* (95%/5%), step 3 contains 5*-6* (90%/10%)
    30. Late Christmas Step-Up Gacha (3/9 - 3/16): Four steps, step 1: $5 11-roll (standard rates), step 2 + 3: $25 Apple or Ivy (no dupes), step 4: $40 Mistletoe
    31. "One Time Only" Step-Up Gacha (3/16 - 3/23): Five steps, steps 1-3: $9 total, single roll (standard rates), step 4 + 5: $1/$3 for random 5*
    32. Ticket #6 (3/30 - 4/6): $60, 11-roll + 6* exchange ticket (all rainbows up to Mistletoe)
    33. Random Step-Up #11 (4/6 - 4/13): Step 1+2 (11-roll, standard rates, $8 total), step 3 ($20, random 5*), step 4 ($30, random 6*), step 5 ($15, 50% gold skillbloom or dressbloom), step 6 ($25, 50% rainbow skillbloom or dressbloom)
    34. 5* Step-Up #12 (4/13 - 4/20): Step 1+2 (1 + 11-roll, standard rates, $4 total), step 3 ($20, single roll + 5* exchange ticket), step 4 ($15, 50% gold skill/dressbloom)
    35. Easter Exchange Ticket Gacha (4/14 - 4/17): $15 11-roll + 6* exchange ticket

    Last edited by Eab1990; 04-14-2017 at 07:29 AM.

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