Quote Originally Posted by Eab1990 View Post
Considering this is like the 16th ticket exchange, I'm not sure why you'd expect an explanation at this point. Tickets obtained through this type of sale have expired since the very first one, nine months ago.

You get a pop-up right after your roll saying if you'd like to use the ticket. From there, the expiration date is clear. If you didn't even go to the exchange shop between now and then, yeah, it's pretty much your fault. Newer player or not, the game took the steps to lead you to the exchange shop at least once, and just about everything has an expiration date there.
Maybe because I'm the one paying for this type of good? It'd make sense to have this fact be more clearly labelled. Regardless of the frequency of ticket exchanges, that has no bearing on the fact that this is my first type of sale purchase and that I didn't have any prior exposure to this risk.

Sorry for ranting in this thread even though it was only for something like $15, but of course, I'm irritated that I paid for a product that expires.

I can see now that the exchange shop has the expiration dates on it under the individual purchases and I'll be more prudent in my observation of this going forward. Tough way to learn though :\

Quote Originally Posted by Bloodsport Bloom View Post
Personally I'm so impulsive things never see their expiration date. My ticket was gone within 2 minutes of purchasing, so I'm a little confused why you would get it and then wait almost a week to use it.
I'm simply not as impulsive in my purchases. Since the product costs me money, why wouldn't I put some thought into want I'd like to redeem it on? As well, not everyone has the time to play this game, I have other commitments to focus on. Just two bad coincidences I reckon'.

And as well, I didn't read Myrdin's post on this forum earlier, in comment to your earlier post.

Again, sorry for ranting. I don't want to end my discussion on a negative note and I want to say that I appreciate the feedback and advice providing by this community. Thanks everyone!