
- Heaps, or we wouldn't be here

Cons (or list of requested improvements):

- L100 Bloom Dragons are extremely rare. Who really wants to do 4-5 80 Stamina maps to get one and a crapload of L20s that are just junk?
- No regular ability to trade Life Crystals for Dress Blooms. Sure you want peeps to spend money, but the odds of getting even one 6 Star let alone a dupe to get equipment slots is extremely low.
- Bronze girls in paid Gachas
- Having 6 Raid Points and no Bosses after multiple upgrades, refreshing session etc.
- No quick way to see if a Raid Boss belongs to an Ally (give them a border, badge/star or something already!)
- Balloonboobs on Geranium - if she didn't have 1.2 Skill Activation, she would be benched permanently
- Hard to know which Knight is speaking especially when you have too many to be familiar with them all - highlight the portrait when they are talking!
- No ability to sort your Helper list when going on a mission - e.g., I need a squad in excess of 733 speed for mission 12-2, why make me scroll through the entire list to find no-one over and over again? Let me click on sort by speed (or power).

That's it for now