I get that Myrdin. What I'm saying is that I had them set like that because I needed Alpinia to be able to attack first in fights back a few weeks ago, and formed a habit of putting her first in my line up for that squad because of that need. I manually replaced Convalaria for Fatsia early this week disregarding AoE. That's why my squad is all willy wonky atm.

Again, a few weeks ago I had a need for Alpinia to be proc'ing as many attacks as possible while she was being used as a helper squad to muscle my alt through it's first week of 12-5 runs. When that squad would reach a Threestepper that had 1/10th of it's life left, it didn't give her a chance to attack when the AoE attacks were placed before her, so she'd always just accumulate pest damage. In 12-5 there aren't any pest nodes that required blanket AoE, but keeping Alpinia at a decent health by the time she actually got to the Queen Bee fight to make use of her meant organising my squad with her lifesteal in mind, since I didn't have a Lantana/Suzuki Grass/Edelweiss to use for any other form of health recovery.

It basically came down to priorities: Being a more useful crutch for my alt at the expense of running maps less efficiently for myself/being a less useful helper squad to people who didn't need that specific need. Like I've previously mentioned, I was planning on switching it around today after I got Daisy/QotN up to a usable point from the event rewards so I could switch out Rose. It'll be Christmas Rose -Hypericum - Daisy - QotN - Alpinia sometime after maintenance tomorrow, now that my alt should also be strong enough to run 12-5s with any squad being able to handle their own.

Eventually I'll need to replace Hypericum for some more utility ability based girls now that dying is less of a concern to my teams/girls when doing the harder maps. Do you find carrying more than 2-3 AoE girls is a waste Myrdin? They tend to deal less damage than other single target girls, and at a certain level I'm assuming your girls start to clear trash mobs in a single AoE proc, making only boss fights the real need for extra firepower, so I'm wondering if my teams might be better off with a 3-2 or 4-1 ratio of AoE to Single target instead of just AoE girls.