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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1
    Conva is currently at level 50 evolved in a Solar Flare based team. She was removed because:
    A) I don't need any magic users for 12-5
    B) Didn't need them in the recent events for Calla&Adonis
    C) Pierce is more useful for the current event/farming 12-5 quickly.

    Until QotN is level 50 sometime today my team will be mageless as Ginko, Conva and Ardisia (Mages who are currently level 50 evolved/are on priority for purple manyu) are all better suited for SB team options for Teams 2-3 (Ginko is currently in my Shine Crystal team 3 and Conva in my Solar Flaring team 2 so moving them would be disruptive to those two teams, so meh).

    Hypericum has been leveling with only ampies since pre-evolution so she's relatively solid but her raid boss ability isn't useful for me so I'd like something better eventually in that slot. Suzuki Grass is an option to keep Slice type dominance in the party, adds AoE and get recover on pest while keeping double damage on Wealthy Fly for 1 turn kill with QotN but Justicia would bring more AoE procs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasara Kusugawa View Post
    The only time where the boss deals HP% based damage is the very 1st event (there could be others but this is the one I really remember), our 1st yandere girl Lavender.

    Fun fact: Lavender is a "stalker" yandere type, different from Convallaria.
    If I understand the types Conva is an eliminator type. Which is pretty much a description of my ex. <Badumpst>

    I just finished running her event reissue this week, and man every time I watched the Ancient Menace tear out half of Alpinia's HP in one hit it gave me a small heart attack. Scary monster is scary.
    Last edited by Bloodsport Bloom; 04-19-2017 at 12:56 AM.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

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