They need to pump out certain content faster, not just weekly events+new girls. We get some minor things early (Garden) but then have other things that are slow as fuck to appear (character quests). There are others things that would benefit us much more if we got earlier.

One of the biggest things I wanted to see more of during the early days and still want to see more of now is SD sprite updates for the older girls that DMM have been pumping out lately.
They only recenlty started happening on DMM, but we already actually got some updated sprites in our initial launch (like 2* Cycle Menn), but haven't added any since. A shame, since they really breath life to girls below 5 star rarity and would've done a lot to make people feel less bad about not having the rarest girls back in the day.

It makes even Bronze or Iron knightS seem like rainbows in animation quality.