oh baby, Gacha is full of nice looking waifus

[Event 31] The Ancient Tomes: Festival of Skane. (13/06/17 - 27/06/17)-red-clothing-tiddies.jpg

Russelia (sounds like Russia imo) looks better than Artemisia

[Event 31] The Ancient Tomes: Festival of Skane. (13/06/17 - 27/06/17)-gacha-snake-gourd.png

Snake Gourd = smug ass loli - MMMh me likie

[Event 31] The Ancient Tomes: Festival of Skane. (13/06/17 - 27/06/17)-gacha-aster.png

Aster - oh endowed armoured babes

[Event 31] The Ancient Tomes: Festival of Skane. (13/06/17 - 27/06/17)-gacha-saffron.png

Saffron - ... ? housewaifu lol she doesn't turn me on