Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
trying to get thru these sheets fast mon

need lots of amphies 4 Dianthus who is lvl 57, almost gonna evolve her
Since we can flip back and forth between the pages anyway, I just used the cheatsheet and grabbed the important stuff (Fuchsia, Fuchsia Blooms, Garden stuff and the jewelry upgrades) and a couple of manyus to race to page 8. Now I'm on my way back from page 8 to page page 1, to grab any manyus I might've missed the first time, and the gold coins.
Once I reach page 1 again, I'll work my way to page 8 again to grab all the seeds, gifts and maybe some dragons.

Whether I'm going to bother with the girls depends on whether we get bond-crystals during the next phase. If not, then it'll depend on how many dolls I have left after getting all the other stuff in phase 2. But I'll probably vendorize the girls if we don't.