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  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

  1. #251

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    Daily Deals (9/7 - ???)-flowerknightgirl236.png

    adding the caption "Skill Enhancer" is very misleading as it heavily implies it increases the skill's actual damage. Although it isnt wrong that it does increase overall damage (by a infinitesimal amount), this is basically scamming haha

  2. #252

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    Quote Originally Posted by smr View Post
    Daily Deals (9/7 - ???)-flowerknightgirl236.png

    adding the caption "Skill Enhancer" is very misleading as it heavily implies it increases the skill's actual damage. Although it isnt wrong that it does increase overall damage (by a infinitesimal amount), this is basically scamming haha
    in the first moment i realy thought, it's some special equip maybe, like yesterday. but in the shop i realised that it is just a normal gold skillbloom. realy deceptive.
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

  3. #253

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    "Enhance" doesn't imply damage increase, it means "improve", as in it improves the skill. The text says "Gold Skillbloom", the icon is the exact same; how could anyone be confused aside from a gold bloom costing 1000NG?

    I could see a brand new player not realizing that skillblooms only improve the trigger chance, but that's nothing new. Calling it "scamming" and "deceptive" really seems like a big stretch.

  4. #254

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    enhance has different meanings

  5. #255

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    Quote Originally Posted by smr View Post
    enhance has different meanings
    You're right, it does. "Damage increase" isn't one that you'll find in any dictionary however, so I'm not sure why you'd state that it's heavily implied; especially since you know exactly what a skillbloom does.
    Last edited by Taon; 09-30-2017 at 03:48 AM.

  6. #256

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    looks like someone is still in the phase of kissing some devs asses.
    mate, that won't give you anything, just let it be ;D

    it's the first time they used the phrase "skill enhance" for a skillbloom (as far as i know). so everyone would think that it's something new, but it isn't.
    you could also say it's just some kind of advertisement, even if it's a realy bad (or vague) description for a skillbloom.
    and if anyone knew what a skillbloom is, why adding this description?

    oh and "increase" is nevertheless another word for enhance, but you're right, together with damage you could increase the possibility to trigger the battleskill.
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

  7. #257

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    I don't really see a problem with the naming. It's quite obviously a skillbloom, and it's also quite obviously a lousy deal. I'm not going to bother knitpicking about semantics, there are other issues to worry about, though, to me, the game is still in a well playable state.

  8. #258

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
    the game is still in a well playable state.
    well it is, and i love the game, otherwise i wouldn't spend money on it. but sometime i wonder if those guys are doing it professional or just 1-2h after work in their freetime.

    whatever, i just wanted to spread some saturday morning hate around xD
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

  9. #259

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    Quote Originally Posted by paraphin View Post
    looks like someone is still in the phase of kissing some devs asses.
    mate, that won't give you anything, just let it be ;D
    I'm just going to say this: my refusal to join in histrionics and conspiracy theories doesn't equate to my trying to kiss anyone's ass, yours, anyone else on this forum or the devs. I have absolutely zero interest in being "given anything" that isn't also given to every other player, so please stop embarrassing yourself in trying to use that as any kind of a coherent argument.

  10. #260

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    that was rather any kind of an argument nor was i trying to offend you or something like that, but if you're realy that sensitive on that kind of sarcasm i won't use it on you anymore, sorry.
    nutaku FKG ID: 509085493

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