I'm hurting for ampy b/c I have 3 new rainbow gurls in just 2 months due to good NG deals - I couldn't resist and my wallet got raped by Victoria

Seen so many guys fully ampy their gurls and I can't even have the patience to do it, just gonna ampy my rainbow girl up to EE 50 and then just do manyu
[Event 37] The Shining Milky Way Crossing. (05/09/17 - 19/09/17)-capture.png
Not sure if I should go use up all my summoning seed tonight - I mean it could help other users if they haven't finished yet

[Event 37] The Shining Milky Way Crossing. (05/09/17 - 19/09/17)-capture2.png

I have nothing to do 'cept grind for manyus and purple dragons - yeah, I have too many red, blue, and yellow since I evolved almost all of my slice, pierce, and hit but Magic - I'm behind

and for some reason, I'm lucky w/ the 100% rate (do't wanna post I'm lucky b/c everyone was mad at the Dragon Drop rate but for some reason, lvl 100 reds and yellows were falling into my lap but not the purple ones)