Now I get a Communication Error when game is loading...
Now I get a Communication Error when game is loading...
Nutaku ID: 556500612
Its pretty broken a´right >___>
I have not had too many issues if I have to be honest. Everything, including garden, has loaded fairly normally for me...
It might be slightly slower but no big difference...
Flower Knight Commander | IGN: Ampchan | FKGID: 300316473 | Discord Name: Ampchan
Total Power: 658K | 41/52 Current Allies | Level 165 | FKG Discord Channel
surprise maintenance .... hopefully they fix some of the laggyness among other bugs
FKG friend ID: 384788654
Fate Go name:Yui, ID: 854,544,504
Girls Frontline ID: 9052, name: wolf
I've been playing this game over a year now, this lagging started maybe a month or two ago, before that everything is so smoothly and quick.
I noticed a few people don't have this issue; Because I have some tech background, there's a possibility that if a DNS is not friendly to a website, people who are using this DNS will have hard time to connect with the site. (e.g. we have to try several times to setup connection, so the lagging happens). I changed DNS once, but the problem stays. So no conclusion. but if this is true, not just FKG, other games at Nutaku would have the same issue too.
You guys can play? I tried everything from resetting my ipconfig and changing my DNS to using VPNs. Now I'm still stuck at the "Black Loading of Death" after the white Welcome screen. Haven't played for 2 days by now.
Flower Knight Commander | IGN: Ampchan | FKGID: 300316473 | Discord Name: Ampchan
Total Power: 658K | 41/52 Current Allies | Level 165 | FKG Discord Channel
Had to switch browsers:
usul. play it on Google Chrome but now, I have to do it on Fire Fox
oh well
Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター
Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.
Signature made by Myrdin