Honestly the ticket I felt hurt them more than it helped them.

How I like to look at it, all it did was piss off potential whales and make some f2p players happy.
You a whale and get the free rainbow, you happy, but it is just another for the collection.
Yes, F2P players were happy but it was not going to make them suddenly into a shark or a whale.

On the other side you have the people who got the 5* instead.
F2P players were upset, yes, but it is not like it is going to change anything spending wise. They might now be less inclined to spend now, but they don't spend anyway so what does it really matter. People do not start off doing the 180 USD Mega gachas, they start with the very good deals and move upwards.
The people who were really affected were the whales who got shafted. I personally was rubbed bitter by it so much that I didn't do a deal for over 4 months. That is a potential loss of profit they could have made. To say the least, my draw was very, very bad, and frankly it ruined Christmas for me last year. I am not as involved with fkg like I was then, mostly because the failure we have had lately with getting blooms and content, but I would still be extremely pissed if that happened again. I will save you the details and just say the pull was very bad.
Frankly, if they want to give away rainbows, I am for it! Send everyone a 6* exchange ticket, you will make your whales happy, and a happy whale is a spending whale (No one can be indifferent about a pick your waifu), but I would like to avoid a repeat of last time.