Quote Originally Posted by a tiny spider View Post
Dogwood - (disambiguation required) With solid base stats, she can rack up a ferocious 75% bonus to party member damage but it's unclear if that bonus can be built up and retained over the duration of a subjugation or if it only lasts one battle. Her skill is also a mystery, listed as 3x damage to two enemies in the wikia and a mere 2.2x in nutaku's FKG. Her 1.2x skill activation is always welcome. "Starts the subjugation with 100% Light Gauge." is nice, but kind of weak to take up a skill and is worthless in redundancy and does nothing for raid fights.
The ATK bonus after solar blasts lasts for the entire subjugation, and includes solar blasts used during battles of other squads.
Dogwood is a typical subjugation unit, not a boss-unit.
Once your teams get stronger, it may become hard to actually get that bonus of hers to trigger more than twice on standard maps like ampy and dragon gathering, since groups of pests may very well die on the first turn already, which means you often won't get a solar until you reach the last two batches of pests right before the boss. I still use her though, since she's the awesome crazy fun girl next door in my opinion xD