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  1. FKG
  2. Flower Knight Girl Integration

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  1. #1
    I would love to see an improvement in the value of the weekly gachas. There was a time I was happy to spend money on this game on a regular basis.

    If that's stuck being a thing of the past, then I second the more FGs or better gacha results. I've been playing this game for nearly two years now and I've only ever successfully pulled one 6*.

    Oh, and I almost forgot! Please bring back the ability to buy rainbow dress blooms with FGs. I know, I'm being greedy now.
    Last edited by Darksfear; 05-17-2018 at 07:58 AM.

  2. #2
    All character items being combined into one pile instead of being separate
    Please give us that already
    "The way of the flower is grand and proud!"

  3. They just need to match the update speed of the JPN version. Like having all the character quests ready at the same time as their release, bi-weekly blooms, content updates we are missing such as challenge missions, etc.

    Which is of course impossible, but they are speeding up a bit now at least.

    And hey, Rose Diana's character quest got released already so I'm not as anxious about those anymore.
    Last edited by A Time to Screw; 05-17-2018 at 01:09 PM.
    Flower Knight Girl ID: 716597775
    Level 155. Total Power ~546000

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Yes, we need mass character quests adds, Aqua Shadow missions, and frickin nations battles to put out petals again
    Last edited by phob; 05-17-2018 at 03:10 PM.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    They could enable the coin boost occasionally, like on special occasions. That'd be a novel idea.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Items Username ChangeUser Name Style Change
    Dressblooms for FG
    Gacha Camera button
    Animated Hentai Scenes - I know it's not on DMM wink wink
    Other sources for Petals
    A way to convert grain into gold
    For every 100 FKG spent on Gacha, a guarantee gold

    I just making shit up
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  7. #7
    have only 4*-6* be available in the premium gacha
    and what ever everyone else was putting in theirs :P
    FKG friend ID: 384788654
    Fate Go name:Yui, ID: 854,544,504
    Girls Frontline ID: 9052, name: wolf

  8. #8

    Here's my wish list

    * Give us a permanent option to transfer 100 FG into a guaranteed single 5* gacha roll, and something like 200-250 FG into a choose-your-5* gold Waifu ticket. I'm cool with real money being required for all 6* (unless you get extremely lucky rolls), as 6* are special, but there's way too many unique 5* and it's arguably actually harder to get the 5* characters you want than 6* because there's so few 5* weekly gacha deals that guarantee you get the one you'd like (at least the 6* characters get those deals, even if they are too expensive these days.) I think the solution to the classic complaints about FKG character rarity is to keep the 6* characters expensive, rare and hard to collect, but to open up the 5* characters so more casual characters can still build good teams that are unique to their styles. You can customize your 5* squads in ways you really can't if you're largely limited to 4* and under characters because you can't invest any money whatsoever into strengthening your squad. And there's still a tradeoff mechanic as you're most likely going to get a lot more 5* characters if you just do the 11-premium gacha four or five times. Plus, you at least have a prayer of getting a 6* if you gamble. Or you can invest all that FG into the guarantee of a single character you know you really, really want.

    * Here's a big one for me: Have a schedule published in advance for the future release of Blooms, 2nd H-scenes and CSQs. I get the general requests to just dramatically increase the amount that are released each week. But in the absence of the type of team that can commit to that, at the very least, publish a list of a series of dates and tell us exactly what's coming out and when. Update it on the first of each month and tell us exactly what's coming out that month. You can still keep the weekly gacha deals and daily deals secret, but transparency about the release of other content would go a long way. Then I could plan to collect certain materials in advance of anticipated Blooms or invest in 2nd Affection in anticipation of the release of the next H-scene. This is something Nutaku's team could do that DMM can't do, given that DMM is more than a year ahead and they're updating on the fly.

    * Weekly gacha deals requiring Nutaku gold should offer you the choice between 2 or 3 available 6* characters, rather than pigeonholing you into just one possibility. Or, for less money, just do a random 6* gacha roll.

    * We need tougher challenges than just the whale stages. Give us an ultra-difficult map that requires even the best teams with several bloomed characters to micromanage lineups to give us the best chance to win, then reward us with extensive amounts of Life Crystals, Bond Crystals, Blooming Materials and/or Leader Medals if we pull it off. It can be a one-time thing, or just make it available for one time only for a few days each month.

    * Give us some kind of multiplayer game mode or component. It doesn't have to be a direct match between FKG teams. Instead, just have events where you're paired off with competitors and have optional challenges like collecting more event materials by the end of the event than your opponent. And if you meet the challenge goals you'll get a small award -- nothing too serious, just Life Crystals, Bond Crystals or Leader Medals. Alternatively, have us compete with all our allies, or batch us in groups of twenty, and have the top 3-4 in each random batch get a prize. Update the front page during events with daily news on who's 'winning.' That would give the game a more interactive element.

    * Revamp character sidequests completely. Instead of just having two or three quests in a simplistic storyline leading to unique earrings or whatever, model it after Persona or a dating sim, and have unique objectives unlock the next 'date' between you and the character. Write the dialogue a bit better and have each CSQ lead to growth -- like, a certain stage gives your character a one-time boost to defense or attack stats. Have character sidequests tied to metrics related to how often you use characters on your main combat squad / whale squad, which would actually give you incentive to constantly manage and switch out your team lineups so you could grow everyone bits and pieces at a time. Each time the character participates in a fight, boom, a few extra points towards the next 'date.'

    I'd even tie H-scenes to this mechanic if I could, it's much more interesting that way instead of just buying them all off with gifts. That way you'd develop a 'meaningful' bond with each character before maxing their affection. (At least in theory.)

    Signature by Myrdin

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by A Time to Screw View Post
    They just need to match the update speed of the JPN version. Like having all the character quests ready at the same time as their release, bi-weekly blooms, content updates we are missing such as challenge missions, etc.

    Which is of course impossible, but they are speeding up a bit now at least.

    And hey, Rose Diana's character quest got released already so I'm not as anxious about those anymore.
    Ye ur right about that and I'm hoping that will be implemented soon

    FKG ID: 949748322 NUTAKU IGN: KillStreak27

    Signature by Myrdin

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