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  1. #71
    Yes, you don't need solano, but at the same time you don't have time to level her up to actually TRY using her. Not to mention if things remain back-to-back as they are (I'm looking into the longer-term), you won't get to really aff up yurina, charlotte AND solano because awakenings next and you gotta try and get some awakened units up.
    By using the SCs you're mentioning, you're effectively also saying that "Cutting short at -4 CR rather than -5 for example would give you a good day, maybe even two of farming." is not gonna happen, so just WHEN are you going to farm affection items? At that rate, even for older players, they're probably only going to manage to full aff like 2 girls every star event. so, are you saying that the others girls you maybe get from premium summons don't need affection considering that a star event comes like once every 3 or 4 events or so?

    Look, we're not saying to have some crazy longass break for newbies to build team; we're just looking for a 1 week break after every event to be able to work up whatever additional members we got (either event or premium summon). Hell, even a week-long break every 2-3 events is better than none, although increased drop rate would really help to balance things out if that's the case. It is not likely anyone would spam premium summons forever if they realize they can't even get their spotlight units up and ready for events and new content. A week break is not going to kill the older players, honestly, and it gives them some time to restock on provisions.

    point being: nobody wants extremes, a balanced approach is often the best approach. Yeah you can say back-to-back is fine for now since there's star rush for breaks, but don't forget that nutaku doesn't necessarily follow the event order from DMM. the next thing you know, they might come up with 6 back-to-back completion/unit farm events, and then you can enjoy getting event units without the chance to use them. which then makes you wonder the purpose of event getting event units at all. and then if there's no purpose in getting event units, the new content becomes relatively pointless and nothing more than just repeatedly grinding events for the sake of grinding them like in PPS.

  2. #72

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    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    I haven't played for said time , becasue as i said some people actually have to work. It was a very bussy time in my life at the moment , that coincided with my dad getting sick. Dunno why i actually have to explain myself to you. The point is , we need breaks. There are people here that can't stay all day long in his mom's basement and play. That being said , i don't see how a 1 week break between 2-3 events will affect anyone. I meant seriously , would you die of boredom (i don't even get the ideea here. Most event have a couple maps that everyone grinds the fuck out of them untill , i'd rather do dailies then repeat it one more time. It's not like events are exciting more then 1 day anyway) if instead of a event , you would get a 1 week break ? Would you leave the game ? Chill the hell down a bit and grow up. Not everyone can keep playing at your pace , either because of time or money. And new players would get cut out entirely if nutaku kept doing that. But , who the hell cares about newbies anyway ? Am i right ?
    Nice try, I'm a full-time employee too. Doesn't mean I want to kill the game's pace. Again, nothing's stopping you from using SCs to pick up the slack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowfae View Post
    And a game that never has any breaks at all is similarly not ideal. There is, however, a good middle ground-- short breaks, not long ones. Long ones are terrible for everyone, both newcomers and experienced players alike. Short breaks give newcomers a chance to build up, and give experienced ones some time to recuperate and build up their new cards / regather aff items / etc. With constant events, there is a constant push to keep ignoring what you have in favour of getting the new thing, because if you don't you are also falling behind (I mean, for myself, not having Karma in this current event was a pretty big deal!)

    Admittedly, right now I am enjoying the "break" in this star event. Not all events are star events, though! Especially not the grindy ones, which we had two of in a row (one of the suggestions by our Anonymous friend was to stop at -4 CR on the grindy events-- I didn't even get my Monk to -4 CR until the very last night of the event, thanks to RNG).
    We HAD breaks or grind-points in previous events too.

    NOBODY should've grinded the full 700 scrolls in Len's event except for whales. People should've picked a point to stop, then go do whatever they wanted for the remainder of the two weeks. Personally, I chose to keep grinding the event for Sanosuke and Lauren, while stopping at 350. Other people could've just 3-starred the maps, stopped at 30-50 scrolls, and have at least a good week to farm whatever the hell they wanted.

    Affection? Lynn's second-to-last map had a guaranteed crystal drop. I was sitting on 50+ crystals at one point. Len's last map dropped wine at least half of the time.

    Experience? Events in general use stamina faster than charisma. You're going to need to burn charisma on a story map at some point. Not enough? Lay off the events a bit, or use an SC. Easy.

    The only things you can't really grind during events are exp armors and fairies, but if your characters are underleveled, you shouldn't be doing the event to begin with. This event is a great example. We're halfway through and everyone has had a full week to gauge how their team stacks against this event. Everyone should have a clear goal as to what they should do for the remaining half. Farm for more exp? Buy buffs and try again? Give up and focus all in on farming? There ya go. No breaks after the event needed.

    If we had endless farm events where each unit was extremely useful, I *might* concede on a break. Odette was kinda necessary to everyone who lacked a good gold+ mage. Shiho is not a staple unit (though I admit she's been amazing this event due to the lack of ranged unit slots in each map, and hybrid units like her can overcome that obstacle). Lynn is a niche class like rogues that shine best in rush and challenge maps, but aren't necessary otherwise. I already explained Len. Point is, unless you're some super-perfectionist or completely new, you shouldn't be tired from events. You should have better priorities, or use SCs to cover those priorities. NOT slow down the game for everyone else.

  3. #73

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    yeah because everyone has the money to keep spamming SCs whenever they need. I guess , in the end , money is the answer to all problems : I have a ton of cash , i can restock stamina at will. Ofc i won't need weeks of breaks to get aff items or ecxperience , or demon cristals. Well , news flash : not everyone can afford to be a wallet warrior. If you can afford said playstyle , keep in mind that most can't. There is no need to be a dick to others , just because you can't stand 7 days without doing a event. Others do need the breaks. Are you really THAT damn selfish ?

  4. #74
    Anonymous Guest
    Here comes the 'selfish' again. I'm still curious as to if anyone can come up with a valid reason that breaks are fairer to all players than back to back events giving everyone the choice of whether to play or not. Doubly so if you can come up with a reason that doesn't boil down to wanting your cake and eating it too.
    I also wonder, Japs have had back to back for ages, if not forever, and yet somehow they haven't had catastrophic implosions of their player base, where is the idea that back to back events will kill off everyone coming from?

    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    By using the SCs you're mentioning, you're effectively also saying that "Cutting short at -4 CR rather than -5 for example would give you a good day, maybe even two of farming." is not gonna happen, so just WHEN are you going to farm affection items?
    You've got your posters mixed up, I said that. I don't precisely agree with eab in that regard, as while SCs are a completely valid option with you getting like 6-12 per event, you can easily manage most things by just cutting down your event spam.

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    You've got your posters mixed up, I said that. I don't precisely agree with eab in that regard, as while SCs are a completely valid option with you getting like 6-12 per event, you can easily manage most things by just cutting down your event spam.
    My bad, but back to the discussion, Jap ver =/= international ver, people will feel burn out if it goes on for a long period of time.
    The main reason we're mentioning selfish here, is the fact that our points of discussion include considering the standpoint of both old players as well as new players, while thus far your arguments have pretty much only been for old players. and our point being, by stepping back a little, old players don't lose out too much, yet new players get a chance to build up. You need to strike a balance and not only think about old players. and like I mentioned, how is anyone (both old and new players) going to aff up new summons from spotlights and use them if events are back-to-back?

    Personally, I chose to keep grinding the event for Sanosuke and Lauren, while stopping at 350. Other people could've just 3-starred the maps, stopped at 30-50 scrolls, and have at least a good week to farm whatever the hell they wanted.
    yeah well fyi, you need to spend the entire 2 weeks to actually farm up 350 books for that event w/o using SCs. 'a good week to farm whatever the hell' = using SCs.

  6. #76

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
    Here comes the 'selfish' again. I'm still curious as to if anyone can come up with a valid reason that breaks are fairer to all players than back to back events giving everyone the choice of whether to play or not. Doubly so if you can come up with a reason that doesn't boil down to wanting your cake and eating it too.
    I also wonder, Japs have had back to back for ages, if not forever, and yet somehow they haven't had catastrophic implosions of their player base, where is the idea that back to back events will kill off everyone coming from?

    You've got your posters mixed up, I said that. I don't precisely agree with eab in that regard, as while SCs are a completely valid option with you getting like 6-12 per event, you can easily manage most things by just cutting down your event spam.

    You're a company that wants to make money , yes ? Do you think players will use premium summons when u give them event after event ? And no , i don't mean they won't becasue they already have free units. They won't becaused they lack the time to raise and use said units. I could get a god damn deine or nanaly. If i don't have time to cc her and raise her aff , it's likely i'm still going to go with a spica i have lvled. By not giving players time to nejoy their spoils , you do 3 things : first you burn them out >>> like it happened in PPS <<< because continous events are not healthy. People need breaks. Second , you get less money out of them in the long term (in short term , they might buy more SCs , but if you keep doing this over and over , they will eventually give up. Finding a good balance between milking whales , and let them build up a bit their anticipation , will get you more money in the logn run). And 3rd : you cut out new players from the game entirely. The whole point of games like this is collecting. A lot of players would give up after they lost 3 events in a row because they were way too weak to participate. Droping behind the curve in games like this means the entry lvl for newnies becomes higher and higher , considering events get stronger and stronger , and unless they are ridiculously lucky in premium summons , they will need the event units. I mean , you can't expected a new player that never even experienced the full aigis experience to start spending money like crazy on premium summons. You let him grow a bit , participate in a event or 2 , and if he likes it , he is likely to start spending. When you treat newbies that bad , its obvious they won't start spending.

    Is it fair ? Not sure why it wouldn't be. It's not like a wbreak would take anything away from a veteran player....unless all you want are bragging rights (which again , are rather pointless since there is literally no interaction between player accounts) for having a unit the other person doesn't has because he was a newbie when said event hit. Hell , with revival events , even that is a moot point , since even newer people will be able to get those. I literally see no advantage of having back to back events , other hten the entertainment of a very few number of people. On the other side , i can see a number of advantages of having breaks , and most of those include a bigger number of people then the first group

  7. #77

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    May 2015
    ... Was this site always so... buggy? Taking forever to make a damn post.


    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    yeah well fyi, you need to spend the entire 2 weeks to actually farm up 350 books for that event w/o using SCs. 'a good week to farm whatever the hell' = using SCs.
    Did I say that everyone should've farmed 350 scrolls instead? No. I chose to farm that much because I decided that I needed Sanosukes and Laurens anyway. But Len isn't a necessary unit to max, or even get more than the bare minimum.

    I simply chose to keep grinding the event because I decided that I should get more Sanosukes/Laurens while the opportunity was there. I could've easily chosen to do anything else instead. Anyone else could have.

    There's your goddamn break right there.

    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    You're a company that wants to make money , yes ? Do you think players will use premium summons when u give them event after event ? And no , i don't mean they won't becasue they already have free units. They won't becaused they lack the time to raise and use said units. I could get a god damn deine or nanaly. If i don't have time to cc her and raise her aff , it's likely i'm still going to go with a spica i have lvled. By not giving players time to nejoy their spoils , you do 3 things : first you burn them out >>> like it happened in PPS <<< because continous events are not healthy. People need breaks. Second , you get less money out of them in the long term (in short term , they might buy more SCs , but if you keep doing this over and over , they will eventually give up. Finding a good balance between milking whales , and let them build up a bit their anticipation , will get you more money in the logn run). And 3rd : you cut out new players from the game entirely. The whole point of games like this is collecting. A lot of players would give up after they lost 3 events in a row because they were way too weak to participate. Droping behind the curve in games like this means the entry lvl for newnies becomes higher and higher , considering events get stronger and stronger , and unless they are ridiculously lucky in premium summons , they will need the event units. I mean , you can't expected a new player that never even experienced the full aigis experience to start spending money like crazy on premium summons. You let him grow a bit , participate in a event or 2 , and if he likes it , he is likely to start spending. When you treat newbies that bad , its obvious they won't start spending.

    Is it fair ? Not sure why it wouldn't be. It's not like a wbreak would take anything away from a veteran player....unless all you want are bragging rights (which again , are rather pointless since there is literally no interaction between player accounts) for having a unit the other person doesn't has because he was a newbie when said event hit. Hell , with revival events , even that is a moot point , since even newer people will be able to get those. I literally see no advantage of having back to back events , other hten the entertainment of a very few number of people. On the other side , i can see a number of advantages of having breaks , and most of those include a bigger number of people then the first group
    Oh man. You realize how silly your post sounds? How easy it is to turn your statement around?

    Your post amounts to, "What's the point of getting premium/event units that you never have time to level?"

    Here's a better question. How about, "What's the point of getting premium/event units if you have nothing to use them on?"

    Because that's EXACTLY what happened prior to these back-to-back events. Some people are using Karma/Anya/Echidna/etc. for the very first time because there was nothing to use them on prior (protip, some people cleared Immortal Beast well before having these events).

    But to answer your question, yes, actually. People will keep spending on the premium as each spotlight changes, as long as they have the desire to actually spend time developing them.

    You mentioned earlier that you thought people would get tired of grinding event maps over and over, and that you'd rather farm dailies instead. Except no, people got tired of farming story/dailies AGES ago when the break periods got really bad. Likewise, people stopped spending on the shrine because there was no point if they were just going to farm Dragon Hunting and dailies they could've beaten with maxed out silvers and event units instead.

    You can bitch all you want about not having enough time to level your team, but the downtime during events is there already. The downtime that comes from no events? That's harder to fill than you think. A lot of people jumped ship to DMM because there was actually shit to do whether or not they had time for it.

    Like it or not, we're in a better place now than we were back then.

    Side note, the PPS comparisons are laughable given how you don't spend anywhere near as much time or resources on one girl there than you do here.

  8. #78
    Anonymous Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by soranokira View Post
    My bad, but back to the discussion, Jap ver =/= international ver, people will feel burn out if it goes on for a long period of time.
    The main reason we're mentioning selfish here, is the fact that our points of discussion include considering the standpoint of both old players as well as new players, while thus far your arguments have pretty much only been for old players. and our point being, by stepping back a little, old players don't lose out too much, yet new players get a chance to build up. You need to strike a balance and not only think about old players. and like I mentioned, how is anyone (both old and new players) going to aff up new summons from spotlights and use them if events are back-to-back?.
    Actually, many pro-break posts in this thread routinely ignore the 'experienced player' angle, claiming like you do that they lose nothing. Well, having nothing to do for a week is a pretty big loss to me. If you were truly arguing for balance, then constant events are the most balanced. Old players can always play events when they want to, new players can build up just like they would during a break and always have the option to attempt events, and those who need to restock can evaluate the event unit and decide what if any resources they want to spend on it. It's simply a matter of compromise, and while the Japanese version certainly isn't the English one, it's a shining example that back to back events work perfectly fine if people manage their time and compromise where necessary. The only thing relevant to the topic Japan has over Nutaku is revivals, but they're just a matter of time.

    As for affection, I personally slip in runs of Skyfallen or Phalanx when I need to. I cut Lynn a couple days short because I needed some fodder for the current event and got some farming in there too.

    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    You're a company that wants to make money , yes ? Do you think players will use premium summons when u give them event after event ? And no , i don't mean they won't becasue they already have free units. They won't becaused they lack the time to raise and use said units. I could get a god damn deine or nanaly. If i don't have time to cc her and raise her aff , it's likely i'm still going to go with a spica i have lvled. By not giving players time to nejoy their spoils , you do 3 things : first you burn them out >>> like it happened in PPS <<< because continous events are not healthy. People need breaks. Second , you get less money out of them in the long term (in short term , they might buy more SCs , but if you keep doing this over and over , they will eventually give up. Finding a good balance between milking whales , and let them build up a bit their anticipation , will get you more money in the logn run). And 3rd : you cut out new players from the game entirely. The whole point of games like this is collecting. A lot of players would give up after they lost 3 events in a row because they were way too weak to participate. Droping behind the curve in games like this means the entry lvl for newnies becomes higher and higher , considering events get stronger and stronger , and unless they are ridiculously lucky in premium summons , they will need the event units. I mean , you can't expected a new player that never even experienced the full aigis experience to start spending money like crazy on premium summons. You let him grow a bit , participate in a event or 2 , and if he likes it , he is likely to start spending. When you treat newbies that bad , its obvious they won't start spending.

    Is it fair ? Not sure why it wouldn't be. It's not like a wbreak would take anything away from a veteran player....unless all you want are bragging rights (which again , are rather pointless since there is literally no interaction between player accounts) for having a unit the other person doesn't has because he was a newbie when said event hit. Hell , with revival events , even that is a moot point , since even newer people will be able to get those. I literally see no advantage of having back to back events , other hten the entertainment of a very few number of people. On the other side , i can see a number of advantages of having breaks , and most of those include a bigger number of people then the first group
    I actually addressed this in a post earlier on in the thread, but back to back events are much better for business than breaks. Breaks cause people to level comfortably, and that is what reduces reliance on SCs and Premium Summon, not events. An important part of the business module is keeping players under gentle pressure at all times, keeping that shiny Premium Summon button out of the corner of their eyes and their cursor hovering over buying more stamina, because if there's more events and pretty girls, it's more likely that players will consider spending to make their progress more comfortable. In addition, others will be more comfortable paying because of the steady stream of content building their confidence in the game and the developers. Nothing to do for a week other than the same tired old dailies does not inspire people to part with their money, the only place doing nothing gets you paid is Patreon and maybe Kickstarter if you can write a really good story about the sun telling you not to publish your book.

    In terms of new players and spending, I don't really think the presence of events is going to do much harm there either. Those who are willing to part with their money will be more inclined to do so seeing the cute girls in events that they can't or just barely reach. If anything the longer one plays games, the less reasons they have to spend. After a while all you have left is 'I want to support Nutaku' or 'I want that waifu', neither of which are unique to veterans. From a monetary perspective, back to back events are great.

    And again, I've addressed the benefits of having events above, and in earlier posts, but if you cannot see how allowing all players to enjoy Aigis rather than just a minor portion, then you should simply stop commenting. I genuinely mean it. If you are unable to realize that some people actually want to play the game and denying them that is a negative, then you are so far disconnected from other players that you need to stop and reconsider. Back to back events give everyone opportunity, but breaks only take away.

  9. #79

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    are you really that thick ? Are you assuming that by break i meant 6 weeks again with no event ? O i simply mean a couple days ? A couple days to put everything in order , then you get a new event. I dunno why you're always refering to the last big breakwe had , like the rest of us didn't experienced it and have no ideea wwhat we're talking about. Nobody suggested that. Literally all we suggested was between 2-3 events , we get a 1 week of break.

  10. #80

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    So I guess you're going to completely ignore us when we say that the breaks are staring you in the face already if you wouldn't try to compulsively perfect every event and/or use SC recharges properly. Guess we're done here. Which one of us is the selfish one again?

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