As a paying player, I don't usually give much thought to the fact that some cards are only available through gachas that require use of nutaku gold (real money), but to those who have their...concerns regarding that bit, I don't disagree on that.

Admittedly, as much as the idea of having a record showing your losses (maybe even records of the actual "fight" itself") sounds pleasing, from the game administration's side, having your competitive players see their losses and reasons behind that loss runs the risk of being emotionally crippling to anyone who is suffering tremendous losses and has no immediate way to remedy it. Many of us can use the loss records to see what other people are using against us and rearrange our defenses accordingly but what about those in the lower ranks who can't rearrange their battle groups because they have limited battle-ready cards? What about the ones just starting the game who are probably suffering several dozen defensive losses for every one defensive win they get? At the very least, by hiding the loss records you can avoid having any lower-tier or starting players end up in a ragequit phase after seeing how badly they're being bashed on in this event.

As for me, my only concern is that with the release of the event came a new SR girl, Miho Osaka, that doesn't seem to be obtainable (like Meiko Kise). This now makes 2 SR girls that have no method of being obtained, no information about when they will be obtainable, and a 2nd irritating dark spot in my card collection (because I have everyone else).