The reward players get to if they get in top 5 in this event is nothing compared to reward they get form 1000x 3 free event tickets. (1000 attacks from there alt.) 3000 tickets can easy be converted to 800 SR-girl levels = a boost of 100,000 SED by cheating.

Who would spend 1000$-2000$ on pudding to get to the top in an SS event if you can get the same puddings by cheating for 8 days ??? If nothing is done about cheaters either a) players quit or b) start to cheat themselves. Cheaters know they have high risk of being banned from a game so why should cheaters spend money on a game.

The top cheaters must be banned and the loop hole must be closed.

I hear that in Japan people are so honest that you can put a 100$ bill under a rock in the morning and come back and pick it up in the evening. Well players outside Japan are not so honest if you leave if you leave a loop-hole the size of a T-rex players will find it and use it.

Simple solution to this alt. problem just make is so that players can only attack each other once per day.
Pie only give Pero once per day so why don’t you do the same with attacks??
It also prevent people from offering guarantied 6 tickets wins from alt. that only use N-Girls.
It will make this mini game a bit harder but if will be the same for all players. Reward is already good enough in this mini game.

In last event one player got 2500 kills – He was not in top 100 and just a free player. Top5 players in last event spend 1500$ or more and got around 500 kills each. The free players got 2000 more rewards but the top players get rewards for getting in top 5. Only problem is that the players who spend 1500$ got around +200 SR-girls levels with there rewards while the free player got +1000 SR-girl levels from his rewards.

Why spend 1500$ on getting in top 5 a SS-event if you get 5 times better rewards spending 0$?
I think the free players that got 2500 kill must have made a new alt. every 12 hours of last event so he always could summon very weak boss that he could share with his main account and the main account could kill with one hit 24/7.

Solution here: make boss under half you slayers could give no reward and EP. All the bosses you summon yourself have a level between half you slayer Count and your slayer Count anyway so all the bosses you summon youself will alway give rewards if is just very essy bosses from friends and your alt. account that dont give rewards. In many games monster stop give exp when you get too powerfull. Noone will fight the big bosses if the small and easy bosses give much better rewards.