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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotono View Post
    How can you be sure they are spending money on alts rather than just having a bunch of alt accounts? If I were going to cheat in this way, that is what I'd do.
    Because to get 240~360 def wins in 3hs (as top5 was doing), you would need to run at least 25 to 40 alt accounts. And, while you can search for yoursel quite well with one or two alts, having 40 of them find you in 10 minutes or less, at the same time? That's just insane
    PPS ID: 853603 (YoshiEnVerde)
    Osawari Invite: 40VRKO15D3C537UUC2F4F

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiEnVerde View Post
    Because to get 240~360 def wins in 3hs (as top5 was doing), you would need to run at least 25 to 40 alt accounts. And, while you can search for yoursel quite well with one or two alts, having 40 of them find you in 10 minutes or less, at the same time? That's just insane
    Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there's scripting and automation at play here as well. Which would make all of the difficulty of doing that just a matter of having enough systems at hand to do it.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by xero View Post
    Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there's scripting and automation at play here as well. Which would make all of the difficulty of doing that just a matter of having enough systems at hand to do it.
    Hmm, that could be done.
    With what I learned when trying to find out how the chance/gacha worked, it wouldn't be that hard to build some MitM software to automate the self-attacking really. And there might be other options for that.
    But I don't think that might be the case here...
    PPS ID: 853603 (YoshiEnVerde)
    Osawari Invite: 40VRKO15D3C537UUC2F4F

  4. #4
    Well if you were going to poke under the covers and do it via manufacturing the protocol you wouldn't need much in terms of resources in order to accomplish it... though I think that's a bit more technical than a handful of users out of ~10000 would do, I would suspect you'd need far more people playing for that to become an issue. I was thinking of it more from a userland automation point of view, people using things to simulate human interaction like autohotkey, selenium, and such.
    Last edited by xero; 07-24-2015 at 05:33 PM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    That kind of automation would be impossible here, as you'd need the software to recognize that the correct name has appeared in the screen, and then go click at the right listing.

    Manufacturing the protocolo is actually very easy. You just need to do a simple soft that would intercept the first call to refresh the opponent listing, and then keep sending calls to refresh until the returning package has your main account in the list. All the data is passed as unencrypted JSON, so that's waaaay to easy to do.
    And that's just for a simple code that would just make sure that if you click the refresh, the program would auto-refresh until you get the account you're looking for.

    Doing something that would automatically start the process, and then even send the request for the click itself wouldn't be too far behind that.

    As I said in the Chance thread, I could actually do it, but I hate cheating like that
    That would, however, take a bit more than just a couple hours. That's why I discarded it as a valid option for what the top5 were doing.
    PPS ID: 853603 (YoshiEnVerde)
    Osawari Invite: 40VRKO15D3C537UUC2F4F

  6. #6
    Well the game has been around for a while now, there were some definite signs of automation in the previous event too, there was a person in the set of people I could share my elite guards with that very likely was automated to attack one focus at a time until the guard died (including spending pudding), it is possible that they were just extremely ravenous, but it seemed too mechanical, their rate of attacking was incredibly consistent, and time of day had no impact on whether or not they would start attacking. I stopped calling them in to attack because it basically just turned in to giving them another guard to kill.

    p.s. apologizing for derailing the discussion a bit
    Last edited by xero; 07-24-2015 at 07:30 PM.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiEnVerde View Post
    Because to get 240~360 def wins in 3hs (as top5 was doing), you would need to run at least 25 to 40 alt accounts. And, while you can search for yoursel quite well with one or two alts, having 40 of them find you in 10 minutes or less, at the same time? That's just insane
    Ranking list is not updated all the time so there can be jumps but I have not seem players getting more 60 def wins per hour - I an account can give 6 wins per hour so 10 alt accounts is all that is needed to become first. Even the player who became no. 1 in first half only got like 600 def wins per day. With 2-3 computer that is doable if you play 10-12 hours per day and have 10-20 alts.
    If you have 2-3 computers it is even easyer to run many alt. We got 11000+ account in this event so I am cetain there are a few crasy people who would do just that.

  8. #8
    You don't need a bunch of computers, just different browsers installed. Nutaku games are browser based, after all.

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest
    2 computer with 6 browers on each then you locked into all 12 accounts at same time - I am not going to test this but sound easy - If some people are willing to spend 2000$ to win an event they might be willing it install 6 browers too...

    If players could only attack each other player once per day problem solved. Cant be too hard to code it so server remember who attacked who.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    2 computer with 6 browers on each then you locked into all 12 accounts at same time - I am not going to test this but sound easy - If some people are willing to spend 2000$ to win an event they might be willing it install 6 browers too...

    If players could only attack each other player once per day problem solved. Cant be too hard to code it so server remember who attacked who.
    The hard part isn't in having 12 accounts open at the same time. I don't even need 2 computers for those.
    The problem is in effectively attacking yourself with those 12 accounts at the same time.

    You haven't even tried finding yourself from an alt account, have you?
    You have to keep clicking the update button (which, by the way, actually takes a second or two to refresh the page) until one of the six names is your main account. That's sifting through more than 200 players until you find the exact match.
    Sometimes, you get it in the first update or two. Sometimes it takes over 30 updates.
    What is fact, is that you can't do it more than a few times every 5 minutes.

    Let's say you have good luck, and you always manage to do all three attacks in 3 minutes. That means you have to do that 12 times in 10 minutes (time it takes to regen the 2 focus you last used). That's 36 minutes there.

    It doesn't matter how many alt accounts you open at the same time, you only have two hands (up to two mice in use) and one brain (look and process one screen at the time).
    Even if you were capable of multitasking this for more than one screen at a time, you're still limited by your two hands.
    And that doesn't even take into account time spent just switching between accounts (even if it's only a couple seconds for ALT+TAB to render another browser in the screen).

    Just throwing puddings to the alt account is easier and faster.
    PPS ID: 853603 (YoshiEnVerde)
    Osawari Invite: 40VRKO15D3C537UUC2F4F

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