That kind of automation would be impossible here, as you'd need the software to recognize that the correct name has appeared in the screen, and then go click at the right listing.

Manufacturing the protocolo is actually very easy. You just need to do a simple soft that would intercept the first call to refresh the opponent listing, and then keep sending calls to refresh until the returning package has your main account in the list. All the data is passed as unencrypted JSON, so that's waaaay to easy to do.
And that's just for a simple code that would just make sure that if you click the refresh, the program would auto-refresh until you get the account you're looking for.

Doing something that would automatically start the process, and then even send the request for the click itself wouldn't be too far behind that.

As I said in the Chance thread, I could actually do it, but I hate cheating like that
That would, however, take a bit more than just a couple hours. That's why I discarded it as a valid option for what the top5 were doing.