Quote Originally Posted by YoshiEnVerde View Post
Because to get 240~360 def wins in 3hs (as top5 was doing), you would need to run at least 25 to 40 alt accounts. And, while you can search for yoursel quite well with one or two alts, having 40 of them find you in 10 minutes or less, at the same time? That's just insane
Ranking list is not updated all the time so there can be jumps but I have not seem players getting more 60 def wins per hour - I an account can give 6 wins per hour so 10 alt accounts is all that is needed to become first. Even the player who became no. 1 in first half only got like 600 def wins per day. With 2-3 computer that is doable if you play 10-12 hours per day and have 10-20 alts.
If you have 2-3 computers it is even easyer to run many alt. We got 11000+ account in this event so I am cetain there are a few crasy people who would do just that.