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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Seeing multipliers makes sense. As i said before now gambit is focused on consumables. This means, invest on glasses
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by chillinfar View Post
    Seeing multipliers makes sense. As i said before now gambit is focused on consumables. This means, invest on glasses
    I have nothing to "invest" but i have 20 of them saved during previous Gambit so... Well, anyway, i saw 300 Kairo card only once (and, hopefully, catched it without Glasses) and 1 or 2 times i saw 100 kairo card (but missed it). Currently i'm in the area 77.
    I also have 5 eGacha tickets so maybe i'll use some and try to get Alpha or at least Beta SR and start using Radars and Shakes (and, probably, Namins too) when Phase 2 begins... But if Phase 1 ranking gave me a "boost" in Overall Ranking, this time it will rather drag me down, so i wonder, if i should even try for that 1k Rank card... =_=" Still, come to think of it - i don't need those eGacha and Namins for anything else, so... Why not, probably... Depends on how long will be further Events (especially further Gambits) but i'll probably just quit if all the Events become 1 week anyway, and if they won't shorten - well, things will be just like they were before. So whatever, anyway. Waiting for Phase 2, herp derp.
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  3. #3
    it already happened, now beta cards are the alphas from past event, no past gambit.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    I had a question regarding this event. I have gathered many Burgers during Gambit, but when I look at the icon it mentions Limited Time? What does this mean exactly? Will the burgers carry over to the next event?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I had a question regarding this event. I have gathered many Burgers during Gambit, but when I look at the icon it mentions Limited Time? What does this mean exactly? Will the burgers carry over to the next event?
    No, when the next event begins, the burgers/shakes will be deleted. Give burgers to Kurito so u get someting else, 7/8 half burgers gives u Wild Card SR 3.
    Last edited by EleGiggle; 03-06-2016 at 02:21 PM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Winnipeg, Canada
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    Honestly if Gambit and PeroColo were always this short, I'd prefer it. There's still a few days break between events, so that actually means more days of not having to manage Pero against the rest of your time. Personally I have hundreds of Namin stockpiled anyway since it's generally useless, it finally has a purpose, to burn through this event. Plus shorter Gambit means back to Elite Guard sooner where the real reward potential is for SEC junkies like me (although I suspect there will be another PeroColo type event between now and then).
    Nutaku ID: 465901

  7. #7
    I prefer to see the secondary events during breaks instead. Other games released after PPS has the main line completed or at least advanced at some point (i.e. Stage 6 from Osawari was put without notice, between events), we still with incomplete stages and quest chains in PPS.

    - - - Updated - - -

    P.S: battle rates are shitty. Only 2 Lilith in one day. Fortunately got the SR.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  8. #8

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by chillinfar View Post
    P.S: battle rates are shitty. Only 2 Lilith in one day. Fortunately got the SR.
    Yeah, same here. I hardly meet her 2 times in a day, and sometimes even 1 or 0. And i bloody missed her once by clicking too fast to notice i had only 2 Focus instead of the required 3... т.т. It's kinda right thing that SR girls are only in Gold cases now, but still, it makes them to be not a "sure to get" treat for casual and f2p players that it was before, and it will totally make many people to save their gold keys until Phase 2 - which totally means even more gold cases will get lost unopened in time during Phase 1 (while they were already not all getting opened in time before this change). So yeah, they kinda improve the game in a way, but totally in a way farther from f2p and casual players... (

    As for the "shorter Events are better" - maybe, but not with f2p rates like these. My opinion here is, again, just like always: "Good f2p means you either spend alot of money, or alot of time and put alot of effort in getting the rewards, but you CAN get them either way. If you can't - it's a bad f2p" - and PPS proves again and again that it is a bad one. I would totally prefer a more balanced gameplay here, but since it turns in a game you can't win because of that, i dislike these changes. They just make less and less reasons to play this game at all for f2p players (who are the biggest part of the community of the game) like that. And i really doubt most f2p players start spending money if the game treats them worse and worse over time, instead of just quitting it outright. Which means, of course, a constant loss of player base and popularity. I already saw this in Bleach Online, where devs were launching new servers like every week, which led to the fact that old servers turned into "whole world for 5 people" bullshit, where everybody fleed to new servers and only a few top-spenders stayed there because they've invested tons of real money and time in their characters and just couldn't leave all that behind for nothing and move to the next new server and start spending all that again, but they still couldn't play on their servers with their super-duper characters because daily and monthly events were desingned for hundreds and thoulsands of players, and simply didn't worked with 2, 5 or even 10 players total left on the server... So yeah, pay or not pay - you'll fail anyway if it was intended for you to do so.
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  10. #10
    just to shit the thread, you always can buy a golden key (since $1). I have less care about drop since macro people was infesting the event.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

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