Quote Originally Posted by Tomaa View Post
This again? You dont realize that there are people who are way too dedicated to this game and play it all the time?
Saying he opens cases all the time is plainly false, any active player can see that.
You cant see if someone is or is not logged in, you just see when he last visited home page. There is little reason to go there during event anyway. You will see me as away for hours even though I play, all the time. You just wont notice probably because I dont care that much about cases.
Also, unless there are also claims about him creating advanced AI to chat with others, then yeah, he is awake until very late and very early too. Then again, who said a person have to sleep at night?

Seriously, stop this witch hunting. If you have proof that someone is cheating or abusing the system, by all means report to Nutaku and remember to put in all details. If you dont, its just a speculations and badmouthing.
You are free to remove all high SED and active players is you think that will help for you.

PS: Using macros would make you slower then person playing
hay Tommaa honey ! did you even read !?
1st) I realize there are who dedicated but is beyond dedication this is cheating
2nd)any one with some EXP knows I am talking about pink only
3rd)I said he opens all cases( pink I mean ) in 4th gambit not this one"any active player can see that" and non active I say
4th)being inactive for 6 hours and sometime 12 and opening pink cases but not gaining any trophies or kairos is clear that the palyer is not there because any one with mind would use his focus to gain gold/silver/pink keys or cases and this sooner or later would get you kairo chance so how could Evil Ass be very caring about pink cases while not caring about focus which could get him gold or silver not only pink . a beginner would not do this mistake .
5th) not speculations . I am sure and reported to nutaku already .
6th) in short again to get the idea to any one not understanding yet : EAss was robot like in 4th gambit opening cases in less than 2 secs almost all pink cases opend by him and not even logged for 12 hours sometimes( that alone is enough proof ) while in 5th gambit he was stupid dumb tried to hide it but exposed himself more .