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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Ladies lover View Post
    1st) respect others opinions and not because you don't care does not mean it is not important and actually you are the bonkers
    2nd) I answered "why" I have no problem to say it again : A) I care to give good gaming EXP to my friends so I remove cheaters . B)get all event SECs then be a pink macro and you can rank easily in top without to have to pay for recovery items I consider this to be extremely unfair
    3rd) you get your satisfying share of pinks because not all your friends are friends of EASS make sure they add him then let's see if you will get your satisfying share of pinks
    4th) " The forum was thought for sharing infos, tactic etc ..." well... that is what I do now and it is a good tactic to avoid cheatrs
    You seem to think that you are owed a share of pinks. No one is owed anything. I found it pretty easy to get a few pinks when I wanted them.

    Furthermore, you seem to think that it is totally acceptable to insult anyone you wish in making your claim. If you believe he cheated, by all means, remove him. Remove anyone from your friend's list that you feel you should. The bigger issue is the way you make your claim and behave in a public forum. The insults and the comparisons to Hitler do little to help make your case.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post
    You seem to think that you are owed a share of pinks. No one is owed anything. I found it pretty easy to get a few pinks when I wanted them.

    Furthermore, you seem to think that it is totally acceptable to insult anyone you wish in making your claim. If you believe he cheated, by all means, remove him. Remove anyone from your friend's list that you feel you should. The bigger issue is the way you make your claim and behave in a public forum. The insults and the comparisons to Hitler do little to help make your case.
    and it seems you are owed to give your pinks to cheaters . and do not forget we are talking about cheating not how easy or hard to get pinks . and it seems you can not find something worthy to write since I can see what you replied to is actually a reply to you

  3. #3

    Are you kids still at this little game of yours?

    Let me make this clear: We are NOT continuing this discussion. For the sake of the sanity of our lessers and the prevention of animosity between those who would normally get along without thinking too hard about this, you WILL stop having your mentions on this thread, especially because it is over an event that has ended a few days ago AND much of the community has come to accept it is the event itself, not any individual player or minority of players, who should take the most blame here.

    There is a Chinese proverb I consider suitable for this case and it inevitable revival down the road: "The wise learn from history. The average learn from experience. The foolish never learn."

    I don't need the wise, though I appreciate their presence as it helps not to complicate things. But if you're going to show that you deserve any modicum of respect that we pay you, start learning why this thread in itself is a mistake, and take the steps to not further everyone's aggression or have something like this pop up down the road when this will inevitably revive itself once again by next Pero Gambit.

    To anyone wanting to start another unwarranted scapegoat campaign or rile up the community without a logically sound cause, I highly advise you think long and hard about how far in the socially-accepted right you actually are, because if you're just doing this to blow off steam without any well-placed regard for the community itself, I will elect to have you removed from this forum permanently. My priority is to preserve the community's functionality, not cater to your misdirected selfish desires.

    Either have a good day or go fuck yourself, I don't care which but I sure as hell don't want to see you back here trying to kick a hornets nest again.

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