Any luck on them, anyone? Wasted around 20 R gacha and 10 Reveals - never saw a single new card yet...
Oh, and should they get removed after daily mission reset / daily login bonus giveaway, or on Elite Guard launch maint? Because, if on maint, i'll at least be able to do Ex WC daily mission one more time, while trying to catch them on monday, but if they'll get remover on midnight or daily restart i'll lose both opportunities on Ex WC and limited girls if i won't get them today...
And i'm in a big doubt if i should waste my last 40 R gacha and 6 Reveals on these, since i still haven't saw them in the decks (which either means i'm really bad lucky this time again, or they have very little chance to show up or this crap is just bugged and they don't show up for anyone at all...)