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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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    Elite Guard 7: Super Elite Guard - Search and "Destroy" sign-up list.

    Inspired/referenced by a previous thread:

    Quick overview: Elite Guard 7 has you fighting against the Naked King's Elite guard No. 212: Matsuri Futaba (do not ask me which one's her surname). In the second half of the event, you run the chance of encountering Super Elite Guard: Motoko Ebihara (again, don't ask).

    Super Elite Guards appear in place of the usual Elite Guard at a set chance, and as an added difficulty boast a much higher inhibition (hp) bar as well as an escape time of 30 minutes as compared to the Elite Guard's 2 hours. To take one down, you'll need good SED (power) and/or good friends. Work together, reap the rewards, and make the best of the legendary power of teamwork.

    This thread is established to ease the search for friends looking to take on Super Elite Guards, dubbed SEGs. Whether you're having trouble looking for one or struggling to take one on, friends will always help in your endeavors during this event.

    SEG Hitters - Recommended 10m+ event SEG: (Players here are looking for SEGs to hit. Add them if you need the firepower)
    Forum Name IGN ID Event SED
    EvilAngel EvilAngel 646999 ~103M
    Holic Holic 1372794 ~60M
    Massume Massume 370602 ~60M
    Tenhou Tenhou 166577 ~63M
    SEG Finders: (Players here need assistance taking on their SEGs. Add them if you want more targets)
    Forum Name IGN ID
    JSensei JSensei 1048233
    King King 426848
    fangs87 Fangs87 616200
    LordGhost LordGhost 1912284
    bringitback bringitback 1931844
    Vic47 Vic 1058358
    PrimalShade PrimalShade 1565038
    -Unregistered- youssefkh 25417
    FourthDownMage -Guest- FourthMage 279639
    JMich JMich 1553998
    The basics:

    In your post, state your PeroPero Seduction IGN and Nutaku/PPS ID, as well as your desired role as a hitter or finder (or both if you can handle the heat). If you're self-designating as a hitter, I would like you to also state your event SEG (power) for consideration but if you wish to leave that anonymous, that's fine too.

    Anti-Animosity Disclaimer:
    By entering yourself into the database, you understand that Harem Battle Club and its members have no deliberate ill intention towards any specific player or player base during events that may cause misunderstood competition and consent that all grievances and frustrations caused by this event are not to be voiced in the manner of a personal attack towards any particular individual or group. Violation of this contract carries penalties not physical but social in nature towards your presence on this forum - you have been warned.

    (AAD tl;dr: Don't whine just because a finder you added has a more attentive and stronger hitter than you who keeps stealing your chance to poke. We're all adults here, otherwise by nature you shouldn't be playing this game.)
    Last edited by ChibiKika; 03-25-2016 at 12:03 PM.

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