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  1. #1
    FourthMage Guest

    What cards / rewards should I be getting

    I probably wont have the shards to get all the Cards that are available, the six different girls.
    So I have been trying to figure out which of these are the best to get, and I haven't found any information on them yet.

    Honestly, I feel like some of the other items are probably a better investment for me anyhow, like the Reveal Cards, or the SR cards to boost cards I already have level. Assuming I will have 1400 shards before the event ends, what should I be getting?

    Also... do you have to trade them in before the event ends, or will it give you a few days to trade in, after the battles have stopped?
    Any information is appreciated, thanks.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest

    Thanks. My thoughts exactly.

    What you said, is kind of what I was thinking. I didn't know IF there was something super special about the cards being offered for 900 shards or not. It didn't seem like it was the best plan to get those. I think the SR cards and reveal cards are going to be the most valuable to me. I'll probably do a split and get 7 reveals, and the rest SR cards.

    You said to level the MOE's to 60. Is SED determined by cards that are not in your hand? I've been trying to create the best 5 card team I can. Is there a reason to level the other cards that are not on display?

    Also... IF anyone knows a link that explains the difference between the 3 categories, Moe, Babe, Sexy, I would really like to see it. I dont have the foggiest what that is about.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by FourthMage View Post
    I probably wont have the shards to get all the Cards that are available, the six different girls.
    So I have been trying to figure out which of these are the best to get, and I haven't found any information on them yet.

    Honestly, I feel like some of the other items are probably a better investment for me anyhow, like the Reveal Cards, or the SR cards to boost cards I already have level. Assuming I will have 1400 shards before the event ends, what should I be getting?

    Also... do you have to trade them in before the event ends, or will it give you a few days to trade in, after the battles have stopped?
    Any information is appreciated, thanks.
    Trade in before the event ends just to be safe...last time the trading post was still trading shards after the event ended but who knows if they'll do that again. Personally, I would get card reveals and use them when you want to try and get slayer cards, and stockpile some wilds to level them. If you really don't care about slayers, getting just SR Wilds would make more sense. 1400 shards spent on wilds and used on some high SED girls will increase your SED by around 10-11K, whereas spending a large amount to get the SR at ~1250 SED and using the remaining shards on SR Wilds won't net that much of an increase. Same with getting the Rs and R Wilds, they won't give you as much total SED. The H scenes will be (if they're not already) on the Wiki if your curious about those so I don't think the cards are as useful as the other rewards. If you haven't done so already, this would be a great time to use your wilds to start levelling up your Moes to 60 for the most SED.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    What you said, is kind of what I was thinking. I didn't know IF there was something super special about the cards being offered for 900 shards or not. It didn't seem like it was the best plan to get those. I think the SR cards and reveal cards are going to be the most valuable to me. I'll probably do a split and get 7 reveals, and the rest SR cards.

    You said to level the MOE's to 60. Is SED determined by cards that are not in your hand? I've been trying to create the best 5 card team I can. Is there a reason to level the other cards that are not on display?

    Also... IF anyone knows a link that explains the difference between the 3 categories, Moe, Babe, Sexy, I would really like to see it. I dont have the foggiest what that is about.
    Your total SED (ALL cards you own) will come into play during another type of event, the Elite Guard, so yeah try and get as much SED out of all the cards you own as possible. The cards on your homepage display are really only for show, doesn't matter what you put there, it has no effect on gameplay. The PeroColo deck is seperate from the homepage display, so continue to use only the strongest cards in PeroColo.

    The difference between card types: Moes get a lot of SED per level until ~60 and past 80 it's practically nothing, they also have to lowest total SEDs. Sexy barely gets any SED per level until past 80, they also tend to have the highest SED...except a few which I just happened to make a thread to rant about. Babes have in the middle SED and they level up linearly, ~1 percent of their total SED per level.
    Nutaku ID: 465901

  4. #4
    Alright so my opinion is to try and get the older cards (from first shards event) if possible, the event tab says that those 3 will be available for the last time. You should be able to get Himorogi(600 shards) and Kodama (300). If your able to get up to 1500 total you could get damocles(900) instead of kodama.

    If you really want reveals that's your choice but personally I wouldn't do that over cards (generally you get enough from events to break even with revival/event getcha tickets.

    Don't buy sr wild 1s! Instead if you really want wilds buy ex-wilds and give them to kurito. Worst case you'll get a 3wild from it but there's better rewards to (puddings ect). You can Look at the thread about kurito and try to get into different brackets if you want specific rewards. Personally I'm gonna dump all my extra shards into ex-wilds. Also if your really starved for wilds throw some r-gatchas at kurito for some 3 sr wilds.

    Also for a strategy I'd recommend saving your e-gatchas from other events for this one so that you can catch up, assuming we have another, since it seems like the new 3 cards might be back for the next shards event, and you'll be back in the same situation as this one.

    For gambit you probably wont need to spend any tickets if your able to place in the top 1k of this since we should get the sr beta, I think, as the reward. Also make sure you save enough sr wilds to max out the reward so that you get the maximum bonus possible.

    As for the EG event having a 1-2 slayers is only sort of helpful but you wont be bringing down big SEG without all of them and a high base sed so I wouldn't worry to much about that.

  5. #5

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    Hm, considering it's only a 5 shard difference I do wanna correct myself and agree that EX Wilds would be a better choice, trade them in with Kurito.
    Nutaku ID: 465901

  6. #6
    Fourth-Down Guest

    So wait....

    You're saying to get the cards first, the ones that wont be available again, as the first choice.
    Thing is... I have many many level 1 cards. N > R > SR obviously, but still, around 25 SR cards, only 3 of which are level 100, and only 6 of which are 50+.

    The EX cards... what can they be used for? I dont have any EX cards, and unless I am mistaken, and the EX cards can be used to send you over 100, they dont seem like a good buy for me right now. But are you saying to get the EX cards, and then trade them to Kurito? Does she actually produce anything good? I've only done a few trades with her, and I had looked at a chart for items values when doing the trades, but was disappointed with each trade. Also... do the EX cards provide more than 1 level when used on an SR card, or an R or N?

    The cards that are available for trade. Is there anything special about them? Other than they will no longer be available, I looked them up, and their SED doesn't appear to be anything extraordinary. Is there something special about them I dont know?

    Thanks for the help guys.

  7. #7

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    The most convenient answer would be to just get the SR 1s over EX still...getting a ton of EX Wilds takes a lot of time to process with Kurito (2 HR timer sometimes) and honestly some of the rewards really are not great. In fact I would say I don't normally get an SR3/5, I usually get pudding. Worst results for EX Wilds would actually be a single half pudding, the limited cards once you already have it, or the PeroGlasses, and the first two happen quite a bit. Although in the long game it's very good for a mostly f2p to trade in EX Wilds for puddings, especially since pudding can be traded in again anyway for a good shot an SR3 if you don't want pudding. EX wilds won't increase your SED much in the short term if that's what your looking for, that's a choice you'll have to make. EX wilds also can't be used at all until a card is at 100 and you've finished some of the "one time only" missions. And there's nothing special about the tradable cards other than they're going away soon.

    Lol the more I'm thinking about it the more convoluted it gets...especially since there's a lot of hard data still lacking on Kurito and trading in EX Wilds. But again, for short-term SED, EX Wilds aren't a good choice.
    Nutaku ID: 465901

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    Last event girls were 1000/400/200, which felt like a better value for the lower SR and R. The wording sounds like they won't be available as Shards rewards again, but we'll likely see them in revival gatcha. I wouldn't pick them up unless you really like their art.

    Ex Wilds are hard to come by outside of Shards event, so I would advise skipping the R and SR wilds. Even if you aren't interested in Ex leveling, Feeding Kurito Ex wilds one at a time will net you way more than 1.33 SR wilds on average, although I would advise feeding something else with an ex wild to push into the 1501+ point bracket, to be most efficient.

    Lastly, keep in mind that there's no guarantee what the trade prices or girl/item availability will be next time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    (Not an update, but another unregistered mook posting.)

    Honestly, it doesn't seem to matter much which of the new cards anyone gets. They all have nearly identical bodies, faces, and totally vacant expressions. Only the hair/clothing is different. So you can't really even pick a favorite, and the only thing that really separates them is the max SED. If you can get the SR, great...if you have to choose between the two Rs the one that costs more shards actually has less max SED.

    I regretted not being able to get Damocles last time. I probably won't get her this time either, and I'll be stuck with crystal crotch catgirl and/or the other R.

  9. #9
    I can't remember if Shards 1 was just longer or if this one just felt harder. I know I had a higher multiplier because I had a free SEC for getting the 1000 rank bonus. Plus 1800 shards is a LOT harder to get. I think it was 1600 to get them all last time. I'm right at 1600 shards for this event, so I'm feeling the 200 shard difference pretty hard. I think I can barely make it, but last time I came away with all three girls and a bunch of consumables. This time I end up with all three girls or two out of three and some consumables. What a shame.

  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest
    If the wiki is accurate, both shard events are the same duration. It might have been your SEC that made it easier, or it could be as simple as more people competing this time.

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