Quote Originally Posted by ChibiKika View Post
Whoa there...that approach actually does lead to problems. If you are brute forcing the event without any slayer (SEC?) cards from the get go and waiting until there's like 3 days left, you're gonna struggle pretty hard to get any p...pa...(I'm not saying it).
I have plenty of peronamin to play with. This is the only event that really benefits from peronamin use, and I've never had a multiplier at 4.32.

Free players like me have to adopt an accumulate-and-wait strategy, where you strategically decide which events you are going to cash in your saved up premium items. With Elite Guard and to a lesser extent Shards, enough activity can land you in the top 1000. Gambit, however, always requires slayers. This seemed like a good event to cash out for, as the prize for top 1000 in Shards was a Beta Slayer, upping the multiplier. I had thought I had a chance at the down-the-line prizes (in the millions) given all my saved up radars and glasses. Bad luck out of the eGacha (getting new cards but not slayers) kind of curb stomped those plans.

The accumulate-and-wait thing has special implications for Pero Gambit: if you're not going to get the 50k prize, save every last Radar and Glasses for the next event. Also, because I was lower level I tended to use glasses to pass locations 185-200, but now that I am high enough level I don't really need to do that anymore.

I have 3 days to another eGacha ticket. Looking at the box, it says SR 18/21, Beta SR 1/1, Alpha SR 2/2. Still hoping for at least an R slayer. Note that I actually opened 5 SRs out of the 9 tickets I used (iirc), but I tended to go for Rs I didn't have instead of SRs that I did already have.

One last thing: I absolutely hate these new temp items. I have to pay attention to whether or not I have a raw peronamin and see if I have enough focus/raw puddings to continue. I never can be certain as to exactly when a pudding will be lost so I feed them to Kurito if I'm unsure. You can still game the system by just not opening cases until you want your temp items, but again, it requires paying attention. It's just more hassle all around.