Quote Originally Posted by Haters View Post
that's why not much people would use full strength SED just for support, mostly use the weak atk (it would be different if you are a pudding whale )
I'm a pudding whale

Though at the same time I'm one of probably very few in the game who plans to punch for that 300 super SR Lim. For that notion alone, I don't have much of a problem burning some pudding to guarantee a super takedown.

Of course, if the guy who finds the super doesn't use an energy drink and leaves me to deal with a 90M Inhibition Super with 5 minutes on the clock, I'll probably walk away. The temptation of like 3M EP is hard to resist but it's not worth 1-2 dozen puddings burned in the long run.

Quote Originally Posted by Haters View Post
Also Dark Airu isn't always appear, kinda rarely (only 4 times so far for me), and the last thing and the most important, it stay for ONLY 30mins
To my observation, she appears at like a 1/4 (1/5?) chance in contrast to the usual Elite Guard. You trying to look for her solo and get elimination cred towards the event would be incredibly difficult so it really comes down to if you have friends you can mooch the cred off of and vice versa...mutual (mooch-ual, har har~) symbiosis?