All right gentlemen, table updated. Sorry for the late, btw.

We've got different scenario here. We don't have a Common Time (CT) gap any longer, even considering yellow gaps, as you can see here:

Group raids reloaded! 2nd Elite Guard Event edition-pps2.png
(those numbers in brackets means heavy hitters, I'll explain that later)

Considering this, plus having Dark Airu lurking around, I highly suggest coordinating efforts via 2 main groups, based on time zones.
As said on a previous post, people on GMT -8, -7, -6 and -5 are a likely group, with 11 hours effectively covered, while those on GMT -4, -3, +1 and +2 are another possible group, covering 8 hours a day. But in order to include GMT +7 and +9, those groups should be like:

Group A: GMT -8, -7, -6, -5, -4.
Group B: GMT -3, +1, +2, +7, +9.

The effective hours range covered by each group is significantly different (and reduced for group B), so we'll need to rely on the versatility of some time zones to fix that issue. Being that said, GMT -6, -5, -4 and -3 can help both groups within an effective range of 6 hours.
Guys on GMT +7 and +9 can help Group A too, with an effective range of 4 hours.

But in order to keep balanced groups in terms of SED power, I'm paying attention on how many heavy hitters each group has. By heavy hitters I mean people with 1M SED and above.
This is a little more complicated to handle, since most heavy hitters can suit better in Group B (in terms of time zone).

I don't want to stress stronger players by adding the difficulty of dealing with us lower level players (and I'm sure everyone else will agree), so I'll propose an strategy as fair as possible.

My idea is to coordinate players in such a way that everyone gets a reasonable chance to count with the same amount of heavy hitters, while keeping quantity of lower SED players for them to a minimum. Both sides should be benefited from this, since heavy hitters will be able to deal with Dark Airu's easier, as well as giving lower SED players a better chance to join (and successfully complete) that kind of raids.
Of course, everyone has the fair right to choose and not make Dark Airu available for the rest, though considering her high HP, it may be easier to take her down in groups (also that should help to save some puddings).

I'll need some extra time to coordinate those tactics adding the heavy hitters balance into the equation (got work to do, and this post is already too damn long, LOL).