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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Looks like this second half made the army grow even more haha that's nice ^.^

    I have to agree that this excessive high HP that those Airu's have is really complicating everything here, but still, normal guards are still out there, so refining the coordination won't hurt anyone.
    Personally, I think that this Dark Airu issue would be easier to handle if taking Airu down added to everyone's kill count, not just the spotter and last-hitter. Anyways, I still have some puddings left, so I'll try to help as much as possible. I'm not exactly a heavy hitter, not even close, but I'm willing to lend a hand. ^.^
    I'm not sure if I'm gonna try to kill a Dark Airu yet, but I'd recommend to everyone to send a message via this forum's live chat when spawning a Dark Airu.

    I'll update the table in a bit. :3
    LoV ID: Danex (RIP LoV)
    PPS ID: 574023 (Dropped)
    Currently Playing: MWA

    My signature :3 Newbie stuff, don't kill me :c

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Hey everyone!

    I'm looking for people to do the Dark Airu with. They are extremely brutal .________.

    If you're active and doing Dark Airu too, I'll definitely make space for friends ! I'll also help with regulars too when possible

    Name: TyteK
    ID: 625138
    SED: 770k (8.2mil in game)

  3. #3
    my sed is now 2 mil
    Peropero: potatoking id:887356

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Table updated.

    Heya Tytek! I'll need your timezone if you want to be added to the list ^.^

    I couldn't have enough time to refine the sub-groups, but I'm always helping as possible when I'm playing, and spawning some minor lvl guards too.

    Though the strategy seems to be working quite well (except for this Dark Airu mess, of course), further proposed changes will help in future raids, so I'll keep working on that as soon as I have the time. :3
    LoV ID: Danex (RIP LoV)
    PPS ID: 574023 (Dropped)
    Currently Playing: MWA

    My signature :3 Newbie stuff, don't kill me :c

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Danex View Post
    Table updated.

    Heya Tytek! I'll need your timezone if you want to be added to the list ^.^

    I couldn't have enough time to refine the sub-groups, but I'm always helping as possible when I'm playing, and spawning some minor lvl guards too.

    Though the strategy seems to be working quite well (except for this Dark Airu mess, of course), further proposed changes will help in future raids, so I'll keep working on that as soon as I have the time. :3
    im at 2.3+ now btw
    Peropero: potatoking id:887356

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Potatoking View Post
    im at 2.3+ now btw
    Light update, I'm at 4.3m (event) now though I suppose that hardly matters as most of my friend connections don't relate to the current strike force here...probably should do something about that...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ChibiKika View Post
    Light update, I'm at 4.3m (event) now though I suppose that hardly matters as most of my friend connections don't relate to the current strike force here...probably should do something about that...
    Your timezone is -8, right? mm.. I see the difficulty, most heavy hitters listed are likely to be online when is somewhat early for you. I think you could receive most help from guys on GMT -4, -5 and -6. I think.
    I'll try to coordinate sub-groups during weekend, this was a quite busy week.

    Anyways, listed time gaps are just a proposed range of hours which could help anyne to find other players online and kill guards. I understand that work/studies issues and other stuff may affect how long can a player be online.

    Let's see how it goes during weekend.

    - - - Updated - - -

    All right, finally got the time to analyze the time zones adding the heavy hitters factor.
    Also, I've been considering the obvious difference (in terms of daily on-line time) between week and weekend days.

    Here's how our current strikeforce's time gaps looks like (updated with the amount of available heavy hitters, and some extra time zones added):

    Group raids reloaded! 2nd Elite Guard Event edition-tz1.png

    Two important things to notice here: First, we have a high concentration of heavy hitters (6) in GMT +1 and +2, but their common time isn't really large compared to other time zones with less heavy hitters. Second, most of the time compatibility can be seen from GMT -8 to -4, with 5 heavy hitters in total, while GMT +7, +8 and +9 have good common times between themselves, with 3 heavy hitters included.

    But the green gaps criteria may be a little inaccurate for week days, since work, studies and daily stuff in general most likely will reduce the effective range of those gaps, thus causing players to not find others on-line, even if they're in their green time gaps. Current criteria should be more accurate for weekend days, since those days usually mean more available hours.
    I've been setting a more strict criteria for week days, so I've estimated new green time gaps, considering normal days stuff that most people have to take care of. Being that said, I've estimated green gaps from 18:00 until midnight, which means a shorter effective range, but it should be more accurate:

    Group raids reloaded! 2nd Elite Guard Event edition-tz2.png

    Although this range shortening may look severe, please take it as an estimated reference. Of course, during week days each player may have more hours available, so this doesn't mean that you won't find another player on-line outside those gaps. Take it as it is, an estimated reference.

    Going a little further on this point, I've crossed each timezone's compatibility, both under normal (weekend) and strict (week) criteria, as you can see here:

    Group raids reloaded! 2nd Elite Guard Event edition-tz3.png

    Having all these factors considered, I propose the following:
    - In most cases, group A will count with people from GMT -8 to -4, which means 5 heavy hitters are estimated to be on-line. Depending on circumstances, this group can be extended with help of GMT +9 and -3, adding 1 heavy hitter more.
    - In most cases, group B will count with people from GMT +1 to +9, meaning up to 9 heavy hitters could help there. Group B should have less hours available, but having more heavy hitters should keep things balanced.
    - People from GMT -5, -4, -3, +1 and +2 could (in theory) get to help people from both groups more often, depending on their daily available hours.

    That's all. I know we're near the end of this event, but I'm pretty sure that this further analysis will be useful for upcoming Elite Guards events. Also, we still have some days left, and using the forum's live chat as communication channel, these last raids are being really fun, IMO. So let's keep taking those Tomoko's down, and enjoy the show ^.^

    P.S.: If you find any mistake, please let me know
    Last edited by Danex; 08-15-2015 at 06:58 PM. Reason: Correcting mistakes
    LoV ID: Danex (RIP LoV)
    PPS ID: 574023 (Dropped)
    Currently Playing: MWA

    My signature :3 Newbie stuff, don't kill me :c

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Danex View Post
    Table updated.

    Heya Tytek! I'll need your timezone if you want to be added to the list ^.^

    I couldn't have enough time to refine the sub-groups, but I'm always helping as possible when I'm playing, and spawning some minor lvl guards too.

    Though the strategy seems to be working quite well (except for this Dark Airu mess, of course), further proposed changes will help in future raids, so I'll keep working on that as soon as I have the time. :3
    Oh sorry :X. PST is my timezone.

  9. #9
    make some space tytek
    i'm gonna add you
    the nick bloodyasch btw

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