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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The trick for us FTP types is to understand that you're not going to get everything every time, but if you're patient enough you can get everything sometimes. The last Gambit event was my sometime, when I had really good luck getting slayer cards. I burned everything I had saved up over all the 'nope, uh-uh, not gonna happen' events to get to 51K. Now I have to rebuild my stash over this 'nope' event and several others until I get good slayer cards again. Fortunately, I'm high enough level now that I'll at least clear all 200 areas every time, so it does get better.

    For me, EG and shard events are always 'nope.' I can do pretty well in Pero Colo, though.
    well true but you must know what can or can't do...example get 51k possible ...i think after lvl 60 with good strategy always get them. Be top 1k...well not so easy but i dont know why....more people fail in get 51k ....(really 20 peronamin+40 peronamin half + glasses+radar well used is enough for that even if only have normal slayers), now pero coli...ok forget that..1k shards are for expender...before existed a better event but well now we are stuck with that trash event....

    SEG is probably the one you need a good friend list+high SED and for HIgh SED you must plan ...and use a lot of normal gacha. but once you get to high level and have 3 or 4 SEG killer you will get all cards...

    kurito is ramdon but after you get all r cards you can get all kurito with patience ...a lot of patience... now the limit cards on sr cards...is out of question...cause use it for kurito cards are way better than try get 1 sr card....but we still have the gacha that let you get some old cards....

    And last be top 1k ...well that is hard in terms of SED, Peronamin, Peropudding...you collect them and burn all in last days....but i think they will have to increase the reward to more people .....well maybe...

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by khermeker View Post
    now pero coli...ok forget that..1k shards are for expender...before existed a better event but well now we are stuck with that trash event....
    It is doable for a free to play player to get the 1000 shards in time, assuming he can spend enough time playing, though many do not have said time. Use the egacha ticket from EG during shards, grab the N slayer as well, and each win will be giving you 3+ shards. You need 330 wins, and with 6 fights per hour that means you'll have to spend ~10 hours per day for the 5 day event. Not easy to do, but doable.
    And if instead of the Beta R Slayer you get the alpha (+2 shards) or an SR slayer (+2 or +3 shards), you need even less time, or can go for the R rewards as well.

    Colo was better though due to the other stuff you'd get, namely R gacha tickets.
    Currently playing: Aigis, Harem Heroes and Crush Crush

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Well, alot has been said here already...
    I'm 100% f2p, but playing since the end of the last summer or so, so right now i have 1,5M + base SED and 500+ Stamina. Which lets me always rank above 500, and get all the event limited cards (except those from Event gacha, since, as an f2p, i am very limited in e-gacha tickets). The only stuff i miss are some Rgacha limited cards from "R-Gacha mini-events", a couple of 51k reward RSs from pervious Gambits (though, one of them i got from Revival Gacha later) and cards from teh first Events (since i simply wasn't playing back then).
    I have alot of time to play, so i spend like 10 hours a day in the game, keeping my Stamina not full, and i try to use my E-Gacha tickets only when i feel i can't get all the rewards without it (Gambit or Shards events, for example). By using one or two, saved during EG, i manage to get enough Shards to trade for all 3 new limited shard cards every time (and even if not - they still allow you to save your shard leftovers and get the girls you've missed during next Shards event) and for the last 2 Gambits i even managed to get 51k reward SRs again, by using all E-Gacha tickets that i saved so far.
    In EG my friends with 2M+ SED and Slayers help me deal with teh SEGs i find and the ones they find and share with me, so by just poking all the bosses i see wit h1 focus attack i get tons of SR Wild Cards, and otehr loot, and manage to end up in high ranks and get all the rewards.
    So yeah, it is possible to get most of the rewards without cashing and, i hope, one day it will be possible to get the cards i missed from teh Revival Gacha. Though, it is still unclear how to get stuff like old Gambit story chapters and Elite Guard movies from events you haven't played or completed successfully.
    So yeah, you can do quite good as 100% f2p (but you have to wait and grind ALOT first) but you'll probably miss some content anyway. For me - it's a big tragedy, and you have to decide, if it is fine for you. If your goal is not a 100% full collection of cards, movies, etc. - i guesss you're fine. Just wait and levelup. Then you only have to decide if it's fun for you to play PPS or is it tiresome. But yeah, if you'll stop playiong - you're going down. You'll miss content, miss Slayer cards, and eventually, all your gacha tickets will expire and you'll lose them. So, if you'll do a very big break - i'd rather not come back at all, as i did with LoV.
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by JMich View Post
    It is doable for a free to play player to get the 1000 shards in time, assuming he can spend enough time playing, though many do not have said time. Use the egacha ticket from EG during shards, grab the N slayer as well, and each win will be giving you 3+ shards. You need 330 wins, and with 6 fights per hour that means you'll have to spend ~10 hours per day for the 5 day event. Not easy to do, but doable.
    And if instead of the Beta R Slayer you get the alpha (+2 shards) or an SR slayer (+2 or +3 shards), you need even less time, or can go for the R rewards as well.

    Colo was better though due to the other stuff you'd get, namely R gacha tickets.
    FTPers can only be assured of getting the N slayers because they can't automatically get the E-Gacha slayers without collecting all the non-slayers first, otherwise known as not being FTPers. I played for 14 hours each day with just the N slayer (I set a timer on my watch and burned focus every time it built up) but didn't get anywhere near 1K shards.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    FTPers can only be assured of getting the N slayers because they can't automatically get the E-Gacha slayers without collecting all the non-slayers first, otherwise known as not being FTPers. I played for 14 hours each day with just the N slayer (I set a timer on my watch and burned focus every time it built up) but didn't get anywhere near 1K shards.
    Shards is brutal if you want all the girls. 1000 shards is hard enough. 1800 shards are required to get all three. It's just not mathematically possible without significant use of puddings and/or slayers. It's not THAT hard if your shard bonus is +5 or more, but even at +5, you still need 300 victories in 5 days. It's a tall order unless you grind a ton.

    I'm torn on shards. On the one hand, I love that it's over so fast and I can move on with my life. On the other hand, it's stressful in the sense that if you miss a single day, you've pretty much boned yourself.

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