Quote Originally Posted by Drynix View Post
Thanks for the tips! I got 2 event gache tickets from the last shard event and I am saving them for phase 2 when the extra slayer cards are added. I own the normal slayer from phase 1 and the SR slayer from the shard event. That one isn't 100 yet, but she's getting there. Kinda doubting if I should save the SR wild cards for the SR slayer I am getting in phase 2 or just boost the SR slayer I currently own.

100% certain to get an SR in phase 2, since I am at 65% atm with 2 tickets. Ofcourse it might not be a slayer SR, so I am really doubting what exactly to invest in currently.
You can still use your wildcards on the slayercard you already have during the next phase. Or, for example, level up your current slayer only to a certain level, like lvl 60. Or stock up your wildcards until you have at least 99, and use the rest on your current slayer. It's still 6 days till phase 2, so you'll probably get past 99 wildcards at some point if you stock up.