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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Drip Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by nip101 View Post
    Added you but I still only have 4.6m event sed. You'll want to try to add some of the big hitters in phase two since they hit like 10-20m 1 focus hits. Also I'd say throw your Sr wilds at the Slayers now since it will help you to get more drops throughout the first week.
    If you plan to get the slayer cards from the next phase, you should end up around 20M yourself. The maximum multiplier right now is 7.02. In phase 2, with the extra cards added, the multiplier will probably be somewhere between 25 and 40.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
    If you plan to get the slayer cards from the next phase, you should end up around 20M yourself. The maximum multiplier right now is 7.02. In phase 2, with the extra cards added, the multiplier will probably be somewhere between 25 and 40.
    The woes of f2p. I'd probably end up with like 100m sed or w/e if i got all the slayers.

  3. #3
    Since I am spawning EGs way faster than I can fully charge my shots, should I keep slapping them with a 1 focus attack and keep sending support requests? I try to keep using stamina to hope for focus line up to charge it a bit faster. But that spawns way more EGs than I can hold up with.

    I know this grants me way less EP, but it does give me way more kills for items, plus others can all slap in with weak attacks and get items from it aswel to stock up. It just feels wrong to freeload that much.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Drynix View Post
    Since I am spawning EGs way faster than I can fully charge my shots, should I keep slapping them with a 1 focus attack and keep sending support requests? I try to keep using stamina to hope for focus line up to charge it a bit faster. But that spawns way more EGs than I can hold up with.

    I know this grants me way less EP, but it does give me way more kills for items, plus others can all slap in with weak attacks and get items from it aswel to stock up. It just feels wrong to freeload that much.
    Freeload to your heart's content. That's how the game works. We all freeload off one another to take them down. I will spawn a good number of SEGs, and I will share them with friends. Sometimes I will batch share with 20 people, sometimes I will share with the weaker people, then progressively stronger people until I get to 20. I try to do this if I have my laptop.

    There were times where I had to use a pudding (or a raw pudding) just to keep up with pokes. You share what you can, you poke what you find. The shares will happen whether you poke them or not, and some will be gone within seconds anyway.

    If someone shares it with you, you are fully entitled to poke it. They lose nothing and potentially gain everything since you get nothing for a SEG you can't take down in 30 minutes.

    It's worth noting that the big fish don't really need the help. They share out of the goodness of their hearts. Accept their kindness and return what you can.

  5. #5
    A thanks, makes me feel less bad about freeloading. It kinda felt cheap/dirty to do it, but if everyone does it and its considered normal in this type of game.... TIME TO FREELOAD BABY!

  6. #6
    Nothing wrong w/ freeloading but the downside is depending on how low your sed is you become 100% reliant on someone else killing your EGs. That wont be a big issue for the first week but during the second a lot of your higher sed friends wont be helping you kill normal EGs.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by nip101 View Post
    Nothing wrong w/ freeloading but the downside is depending on how low your sed is you become 100% reliant on someone else killing your EGs. That wont be a big issue for the first week but during the second a lot of your higher sed friends wont be helping you kill normal EGs.
    Nope. Not even a little. I'll reserve every focus I have for the constant onslaught of SEGs and little else. I won't even be killing my OWN EGs. I'll elixir them away until I draw a SEG. Hell, unless I can REALLY easily take down my own SEGs, I will STILL share them. I have enough SED to rock phase 1, but unless I get a couple slayers, I'll be next to useless in phase 2 with only 4M SED.

    That'll put me in the boat of poking SEGs and hoping to hold onto rank 300-500 or so, instead of keeping my rank of ~80 now.

  8. #8
    About the freeloading in phase 1. I'm a newbie player, just had 440k event SED(250k SED). If i constantly freeloading the EGs, how can i have enough EP for the reward?

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