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  1. #1
    Drip Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlesRJC View Post
    One quick offtop question, sorry for that. Does egatcha box by it own reset once you reach 0SR cards or do you have to reset it manually?
    No, it does not reset. But, DO NOT EVER reset the gachabox, unless it states "Alpha SR: 0/1 Beta SR: 0/1" when you still do not have those slayer cards.
    The slayer cards are in addition to the other SR cards, which fall under the "SR Cards: X/21". So, you can have the gacha box state:
    Alpha SR: 1/1
    Beta SR: 1/1
    SR Cards: 0/21 <-- this means the regular SR cards depleted.
    Which basically means that the next SR you pull is guaranteed to be a slayer card!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Something I noticed: some people share their EGs every single time. I hit one, thinking they needed a hand, 3 minutes later they bring up a new one. A little investigation showed the persons' unmodified SED would've been enough already to bring it down, so, in other words, they were slacking their kills for some reason..

    However, rules of thumb for phase 1:
    1. If you can beat it yourself, then do beat it yourself, even if it takes multiple hits, it's more points to you!
    2. Don't bother beating other peoples' EGs, especially not if they take way less damage to beat than a weak hit of yours! You get way more points from beating your own EGs and keeping your avarage damage per hit high.

    -Getting the last hit in doubles the base points you get for the kill
    -Dealing most damage doubles the base points you get for the kill
    These bonusses are additive, not multiplative, so getting the last hit and being the one dealing most damage nets you three times the base points.

    While the amount of damage you deal is limited by your SED, your main limitation in turning that SED into Event Points, is your Focus!
    1 million SED equals 100,000 minimal damage on a weak attack (1 Focus)
    100,000 damage equals 10,000 Event Points
    Ergo, 1 million SED equals a minimum of 10,000 Event Points per point of focus

    If you get the last hit /or/ deal most damage, then your 1 million SED suddenly equals a minimum of 20,000 EP per point of focus
    If you get both the last hit and deal most damage, then your 1 million SED suddenly equals a minimum of 30,000 EP per point of focus

    So, the trick to earning as much EP as possible, is to maximize the amount of EP you get per point of focus, and the best way to do that, is to both deal most damage and getting the last hit! Sharing your EG after only a weak hit, basically means you forfeit a third (last hit), possibly even two thirds (most damage as well), of your potential event points! So ask yourself, do I want 10,000, 20,000 or maybe 30,000 EP for that point of focus?

    Killing off someone elses EG means that, although you might get that last hit, you will often miss out on the most damage bonus.
    But, it gets worse when you're doing an overkill! If that EG needed only 50,000 damage to get killed, while your weak attack deals at least 100,000 damage, then you get only 5,000 EP for the damage, which may be increased to 10,000 or 15,000 EP for the bonusses. So you effectively got 15,000 EP less than you could've had for that point of focus.
    Do that twice, and you're already a point of focus behind on your potential gain.

    Now, some people share/help to help eachother out. Especially in phase 2, most of us can hardly get around sharing/helping to deal with the SEGs and to get their SEG-kill counter up.
    But for phase 1? Seriously, no, it's not worth it, the Support Energy ranking rewards aren't that awesome to strive for a high position and waste focus on EGs that people could've easily killed themselves. It's good to help those who really can't handle the big EGs yet, and sometimes a friend has to go offline and "leaves it up for grabs", but I'm ignoring the ones who constantly share what they could've killed themselves.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post

    While the amount of damage you deal is limited by your SED, your main limitation in turning that SED into Event Points, is your Focus!
    1 million SED equals 100,000 minimal damage on a weak attack (1 Focus)
    100,000 damage equals 10,000 Event Points
    Ergo, 1 million SED equals a minimum of 10,000 Event Points per point of focus

    If you get the last hit /or/ deal most damage, then your 1 million SED suddenly equals a minimum of 20,000 EP per point of focus
    If you get both the last hit and deal most damage, then your 1 million SED suddenly equals a minimum of 30,000 EP per point of focus

    How can 100.000 dames equal to 10k point? I have a 450k event SED now and when i full atk a boss with ~450k HP, i only have about 12-14k point.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Drip View Post
    so, in other words, they were slacking their kills for some reason..
    Each EG kill gives all participants a reward (though my sucky luck usually means it's pero), as well as an extra reward to the one that found it.
    Additionally, each time you kill an EG, you can encounter another in the gacha, no matter who's EG you killed.

    After some SED point, when you know for sure that you will be able to hit the 1000 rank with ease, sharing EG means more rewards are given out, even if less EPs are earned. And it also helps you find more SEG in phase 2, since a friend of yours could kill your EG and go looking for another encounter, even if he already has one running.

    But yeah, if your goal is EP, then it's best to share only those you can't kill yourself, or only those that you've already done more than 50% of their health in damage.
    Currently playing: Aigis, Harem Heroes and Crush Crush

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by JMich View Post
    Each EG kill gives all participants a reward (though my sucky luck usually means it's pero), as well as an extra reward to the one that found it.
    Additionally, each time you kill an EG, you can encounter another in the gacha, no matter who's EG you killed.

    After some SED point, when you know for sure that you will be able to hit the 1000 rank with ease, sharing EG means more rewards are given out, even if less EPs are earned. And it also helps you find more SEG in phase 2, since a friend of yours could kill your EG and go looking for another encounter, even if he already has one running.

    But yeah, if your goal is EP, then it's best to share only those you can't kill yourself, or only those that you've already done more than 50% of their health in damage.
    I play hard in phase 1 to rack up as many EP as possible. In phase 2, my EP collection will go down because I am not even remotely concerned with things like last hitting or most damage. At that point, the biggest draw is to get the SEG elimination counter as high as possible for the drops.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JSensei View Post
    I play hard in phase 1 to rack up as many EP as possible. In phase 2, my EP collection will go down because I am not even remotely concerned with things like last hitting or most damage. At that point, the biggest draw is to get the SEG elimination counter as high as possible for the drops.
    I am poking as many as possible to stack on SR wild cards and puddings for phase 2 in order to help burn the SEGs better. I do hope that the people who's EGs I poke don't mind it to much. I try to take down my own bosses I share, but often a high player nukes it down before I can properly handle it. :P

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Drynix View Post
    I am poking as many as possible to stack on SR wild cards and puddings for phase 2 in order to help burn the SEGs better. I do hope that the people who's EGs I poke don't mind it to much. I try to take down my own bosses I share, but often a high player nukes it down before I can properly handle it. :P
    Eh. If people are sharing bosses, that means they don't care. I haven't shared a single EG yet, and I don't plan on it. There's no need for me to share EGs since it'll take a LOOOOOONG time to get to an EG that I can't take out. That's not to say that EGs can't get so strong that I can't handle them. I remember seeing some of the EGs that EvilAngel shared back when he still played. They had millions of HP, and I'd struggle with some of those.

    If someone shares a boss, feel free to poke it. I don't usually poke at EGs because you only get one gift per EG poked. It's more gift-efficient to take down my own EGs. Not only do I get more EP for it, but I get two gifts for every EG I take down. If I poke an EG, I get one gift and usually significantly less EP per focus. EGs just don't usually give gifts that are worth it. Sure, I've picked up a few R-Gacha tickets and a bunch of SR Wilds, but I've also picked up a few hundred "1000 Peros." I'm much more likely to get a gift worth wanting when I get two cracks at them, and I need a good EP buffer for phase 2. I'm consistently pulling in 2 million EP/Day, but there's no way I'll get that during phase 2. SEGs give double EP, but single pokes still only give small amounts of EP. I will be so much less efficient, and the whales who can take down SEGs left and right will soar past me. Even if I keep up my modest EP rate, the people that get all the slayers (I'm not even going to spin the e-gacha this event) will make several times what I can.

    To help put this in focus, this event is similar to Gambit. I made something like 13,000 trinkets for phase 1, but I rolled my E-gacha tickets for phase 2, and I ended up making 45,000 in the 2nd week. People with slayers will increase their EP collecting power by 2-5 times since SEGs have insane amounts of HP, and if you can take them down, you score hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of EP in a single hit.

  7. #7
    Looking for help as well with the slayers obtained i have a 2.9m attack
    ID: 453761
    User: Light Kamijou

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Light Kamijou View Post
    Looking for help as well with the slayers obtained i have a 2.9m attack
    ID: 453761
    User: Light Kamijou
    I'm with 780k att with slayer now, constant spam super elite from lv 2-30, do u want to add me?

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