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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #17
    I'm not saying my $20 should have given me all the gacha girls. In fact, I'd expect to spend hundreds for all of them.
    My irritation is the fact that my "measly" 20$ isn't enough to get me the EVENT card. Actually, that money went to waste already because the changed the slayers. Instead, I'm forced to spend hundreds if I want a chance at it. I've NEVER played a game besides this one that forced me to do that for the event card. Every other time, the event card is obtainable by spending little to nothing. Rather, more of a "thanks for continuing to play" kind of thing. While all the spenders are trying for leader boards and going for the limited cards from being such and such rank or the limited gacha rewards. That kind of thing I don't have an issue with, because I don't care to be on top when it costs hundreds to be there.

    It's just, the way this type of event works is incredibly greedy. If you want to attack more than 1 time every 30 minutes, you spend 70 cents per additional attack. It's just.. no.
    If I want to take down these bosses and get kill credit, then with my sub-700k event SED, I'd have to spend 14 puddings for every 10 mil HP I have to burn through. 14 x .7 = $9.8 to kill a single boss. WTF?

    It's too early for bosses this strong for the majority of us.
    Last edited by Kotono; 08-14-2015 at 11:39 PM.

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