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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Invite me active people!
    I cleared my inactive friends recently and looking for new ones!

  2. #2
    Cleared the list a bit, still have 2 spots left and can open more 2 if necessary. SED is 376,388 right now and event SED is at 1,013,538. I'm focusing on helping on SEG farming and will use 1/2 hp drink on any SEG above lvl 10 to help farming. (if this is something stupid, please tell me, I always thought this is how it should be done).

    I'm looking for people at least around 150,000 SED at least due to the huge number of inactives I added lower than that during the last 2 weeks.

    Current: Kamihime - ID:24044 - Rank 99 (Overall ATK - Fire: 46923 Eidolons: Adramelech/St Nichol/Mastema/Jack/Tiamat/Quetza), , ソウル戦記 - (Overall: 504,002), TA:BA - (Pre-reg Yukikaze) ID: 1195816, DMM IWZ - DF Performance: 2,302,174 - つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
    Old or on halt: LoV - fromelette (lvl 56), QoV - fromelette lvl 42, Pero - ID: 1195816 (SED: 1,170,698), Idol Wars Z: http://api-x.idolwars-nutaku.dmmgame...ata/index/8220 (link only works when logged in game) - DF Performance: 1,546,834 (1,899,968 with last gacha) - HBC US aka Megu Wars / FKGirl, FKG - fromageomelette ID: 358241593 - lvl 124 (Helper: PWR 120844 / SPD 594)

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by fromelette View Post
    (if this is something stupid, please tell me, I always thought this is how it should be done).
    This depends on what people you have as friends. Less HP means easier to kill, but also means less EP rewarded. If your friends are capable of downing the SEG, no matter the level, using the Sexual Energy Drink means less EP for them. If your friends will be struggling to kill it (or if you want to attempt it yourself), the Sexual Energy Drink may be a good choice.
    Currently playing: Aigis, Harem Heroes and Crush Crush

  4. #4
    Just cleared up my list as well creating 8 spaces. Looking for active players as I play daily

    ID: 2653030
    Last edited by FFHunter; 07-28-2016 at 05:53 AM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    i back after some period without PC, can anyone add me for complete again my friend list?

    ID: 1060850
    Nick: Siegzin
    SED: approx: 912k

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    I Just cleared my friends list again, got 11 spots open, feel free to add me.
    ID: 2615146

  7. #7
    Blum Guest
    hi im a new player (currently lvl 24 sed 76k) so i want to to take advantage of the new event as much as i can. Atm i have 6 gold chest and 2 silvers if somebody wants to open them add me (id: 3749556) and then delete me or do whatever you want .half of my friendlist is inactive and the other have lot of friends to focus on my chest

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