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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by candylandx View Post
    what was the goal of colloseum?
    It was the same style as shards of fighting other people. Instead of just getting shards (which scaled with event gacha) you got 1-5 tickets based on who you fought, which means fighting rank 1's was actually worth doing. the tickets could be used in the Colosseum gacha which had lots of useful things such as Peronamin/pudding/wilds/rgacha so you actually got a lot of useful things. The Peronamin/puddings did get nerfed to raw's at some point but they still were useful. There was also typically 1 n 1 r and 2 sr girls in the gacha.

    The only bad thing about colo was that the Egacha girls would make p2w super op and you would literally always lose if you fought someone who had the 3 srs, assuming it went to 2 phases, even if you had the 3x bonus vs them

  2. #2
    Plus it was a 2 week event, which meant you had to stay on top of it for two solid weeks. It was the grindiest of the three events.
    Shards is equally grindy, but the time crunch means you can't screw up. One misclick leading to a loss and you can kiss that 300 streak goodbye with little hope of recovery.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by nip101 View Post
    The only bad thing about colo was that the Egacha girls would make p2w super op and you would literally always lose if you fought someone who had the 3 srs, assuming it went to 2 phases, even if you had the 3x bonus vs them
    can someone explain to me what special effect colo Egacha girls had? like did they have 10x bonus or something like that?

    also will they ever bring it back?

    i joined mid gambit seven so i never played colo

  4. #4
    The Egacha girls from Pero Colo would give you a multiplier if they were in your party, for example a r card would give you 1.5, so if you had a card with 10k SED the card SED would change to 15k.
    Osawari Island LV:96 Mobile Code: FUFB94NVST
    PeroPero Seduction LV:51 SED: ~990k ID:398275
    Duel Squad LV:70 (RIP)
    Girls Kingdom LV:70 Castle LV:10 (Quit)
    Flower Knight Girl LV:90 Power:330k ID:514096129
    Dragon Providence Total LV:233 CBP:1103411

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Artanis View Post
    The Egacha girls from Pero Colo would give you a multiplier if they were in your party, for example a r card would give you 1.5, so if you had a card with 10k SED the card SED would change to 15k.
    Just to add on to this, say you had a sr beta and sr alpha with 1.5 and 2.0 multipliers. Your teams sed with then get multiplied by 3. So already no mater who your facing your girls have 3x sed. So if you were to have 3 event Sr's you would always win, since the multiplier would be above 4, unless you fought someone who also had some slayer cards.

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