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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    As much as i myself always have felt that slayers should be available to all, in SOME very rare form, i can really understand why they want to keep a fair few of them for paying players only. I would never have paid them anything if it wasn't due to unobtainable cards. If i could get them any other way i would damn right power through that way and then they would not have gotten any money at all.

    Paying players are what's keeping this game up, and they need an incentive to actually pay something. This game was P2W from the start, and as a free player you have to understand that not everything is available.

    I started out as a free player you know, clearing both first events at a very high rank purely since i was active, but after some random teasing from an event ticket that i got for free, i decided to buy some more, and have kept doing so every event.

    As a free player you WILL have to fight more for your things. Keep yourself high on pero so you can buy whatever comes out, try to get high SED friends that can help you out, and do events as much as possible to stack up on a ton of peronamin and pero puddings.

    And chillinfar, the casual payer is not having a bad time anymore, they are not resetting the event gacha every event now so you have time to slowly burn down the SR cards available in it. I used about 10 tickets this time in total to get all the SRs and Rs, and those tickets were all gained through the daily 100 pts ticket, it really comes in handy.

    So all in all, Nutaku, or rather the game devs, do not hate free players, they simply need to provide paying players an incentive, that is the problem with having a game that as a base is free to play.
    PPS started fair when i enter the game (1st EG event), the P2F conversion started on 2nd EG event, removing intentionally some features from JP server (and the card issue).

    The same on Perocolo. They could make money fairly without the need to cheat cards (1st perocolo had fat SED cards on e gacha, specially R ones).

    I don't call PPS a P2W, because a lot of failures was shown on this server, even against paying players. I prefer to call it P2F instead (pay to fail).

    Other issue is the high frequency as they are starting events instead to open stages and secondary events (these can be a jackpot without forcing to get special stuff, just with consumables). That means less chances for casuals to invest cash on certain event
    Last edited by chillinfar; 09-29-2015 at 01:07 PM.

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