sorry for the late reply, I stopped looking in this forum because it seemed no one was posting any longer.

I've abandoned Peropero because it's just not sustainable for me anymore. I put some money in to clear the E-Gacha slowly the first time and managed to get it so pulling the Event cards wasn't too much of a slog. The fact that they then proceeded to refill the E-gacha (mostly with cards I already had) made the slog that the game had become unbearable. for months I had been asking myself why I was still playing - and the answer was it didn't take much for me to rank high - maybe a few bucks a month max. Then the seemingly bi-weekly "card sales" started to show up - and that was more cards that I could not get without paying money. The reset of the E-gacha was a deal breaker for me, because now there I can't trust that an 'empty' E-gacha will remain as such. The fact that they can reset it with no collateral just rubs me the wrong way I guess.

So TL;DR - I don't like the direction that PeroPero is heading in, and I think a lot of the low spenders would agree (it also doesn't help that we have no guarantee of content past the Japanese release - which would mean the game will close sooner or later regardless.)