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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    Waiting times was shorter since 1st perocolo (2 weeks, then 1 week and now 3 days). Someone don't remember how was scheduled american server

  2. #2
    Tbh, I prefer 3 days wait over a week. Without events there's nothing to do really.

  3. #3
    Is only because Nutaku doesn't fill some gaps. Secondary events aren't opened yet (except GHQ) and this distorted a lot the ways how Nutaku is profiting with the game.

    And we are stuck at stage 4 with only 1 girl

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by Balek View Post
    Tbh, I prefer 3 days wait over a week. Without events there's nothing to do really.
    Play other games? Live your real life, maybe?
    I agree that there is not much to do in PPS without Events, but i hate them being "stay close to your PC 24/7 for two weeks, or you won't get the prize" and then another rush starts just 3 days later. I'm f*kin' tired that i must go to bed at 4 AM and get up ASAP and keep a second PC (ok, just a laptop, but whatever) near me and turned on to play other games and not let the Focus rot at full 6 while i play other games, etc. And i still lose some when i go to shower, shop, etc. (and i don't even have a job to go to for like 10 hours a day), and even with all that i can't complete all the daily missions, and on this event - even get all daily Colo win rewards! Oh well, i can't even get to the second Medals reward! This really sucks. Oh, yeah, and i've just realized that i won't get a full collection of cards ever, because i miss the two other princess every Colo, miss most of the Event SR and even R SECs, Curito and other stuff including the cards Nutaku totally removed from PPS to please their payment processor partner or whatever... Which makes playing this game mostly pointless for me, as a collector. Not sure, when, but i'm going to quit it too. Probably, when someone will start ripping the "movies" or recording story-mode videos with adv.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Vic47 View Post
    Play other games? Live your real life, maybe?
    I agree that there is not much to do in PPS without Events, but i hate them being "stay close to your PC 24/7 for two weeks, or you won't get the prize" and then another rush starts just 3 days later. I'm f*kin' tired that i must go to bed at 4 AM and get up ASAP and keep a second PC (ok, just a laptop, but whatever) near me and turned on to play other games and not let the Focus rot at full 6 while i play other games, etc. And i still lose some when i go to shower, shop, etc. (and i don't even have a job to go to for like 10 hours a day), and even with all that i can't complete all the daily missions, and on this event - even get all daily Colo win rewards! Oh well, i can't even get to the second Medals reward! This really sucks. Oh, yeah, and i've just realized that i won't get a full collection of cards ever, because i miss the two other princess every Colo, miss most of the Event SR and even R SECs, Curito and other stuff including the cards Nutaku totally removed from PPS to please their payment processor partner or whatever... Which makes playing this game mostly pointless for me, as a collector. Not sure, when, but i'm going to quit it too. Probably, when someone will start ripping the "movies" or recording story-mode videos with adv.
    I will surprise you but I do play other games, I go to college and work at the same time so trust me, I have things to do in real life.
    And by saying nothing to do really, I meant nothing to do in this particular game, not nothing to do at all. I thought it's kinda obvious. Without the events you can just spin the explore thingy, and if you've finished it, well, you know where this is going. I am also a collector and I try to get as many cards as possible but I decided I won't spend any money on a game like PPS. You can smell the scam here in a mile, so I just play it as a freebie and still manage to get most of the event cards. I don't even know why I'm playing, I guess just for fun. I don't even fap to these pics. Some of them are nice but there's shitton of other porn/hentai out there in high resolution that I prefer. Just deal with the thing that you won't get absolutely everything unless you start throwing shitload of money at your monitor. And even if you do, all you get are some low res, censored pics lel.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Balek View Post
    I will surprise you but I do play other games, I go to college and work at the same time so trust me, I have things to do in real life.
    And by saying nothing to do really, I meant nothing to do in this particular game, not nothing to do at all. I thought it's kinda obvious. Without the events you can just spin the explore thingy, and if you've finished it, well, you know where this is going. I am also a collector and I try to get as many cards as possible but I decided I won't spend any money on a game like PPS. You can smell the scam here in a mile, so I just play it as a freebie and still manage to get most of the event cards. I don't even know why I'm playing, I guess just for fun. I don't even fap to these pics. Some of them are nice but there's shitton of other porn/hentai out there in high resolution that I prefer. Just deal with the thing that you won't get absolutely everything unless you start throwing shitload of money at your monitor. And even if you do, all you get are some low res, censored pics lel.
    As i said before, secondary quests are not active and stages still incomplete since 1st perocolo, that's why the game is short. Nutaku focused the cash grab on events and the shitty event gacha instead of the rest of paid stuff.

    If peroglasses would be functional since 2nd EG (Treacherous Moon quest) instead to wait for perogambit, they could manage better the consumables.
    Last edited by chillinfar; 11-25-2015 at 05:28 PM.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  7. #7

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    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by Balek View Post
    I will surprise you but I do play other games, I go to college and work at the same time so trust me, I have things to do in real life.
    And by saying nothing to do really, I meant nothing to do in this particular game, not nothing to do at all. I thought it's kinda obvious.
    I was talking about the PPS and i thought IT was pretty obvious...
    I don't know how do you manage to complete all daily missions without buying and using consumables, but for me it's impossible even if i spend ALL my time playing PPS (i mean, constantly using Stamina and Focus to not let it stay full, when i'm not sleeping) - (probably you just don't complete them at all?) and for the Events it's a matter of other stuff you get (Pero, Rating [i.e. Ranking Reward Limited SR's] etc.) which is pretty crucial to free players like me and yu, who can't just buy a shitload of consumables and boost our rating/card levels when we need.
    And for the rest... Well, i do agree with you - i don't fap to the cards either (i don't even like most of the artwork, tbh, and yes, there is a shitton of HD porn & hentai that suit my likings better) - maybe just to "movies" (but again, most of them are not for me, and i was really disappointed by the "reward" movies of that 3rd Elite Guard Event i started playing PPS from - thank gawd the previous EG's movies are unlocked due to a bug - because they are nice, especially the 2nd EG one), and the game has no actual gameplay to enjoy - gacha this, gacha that and some more gacha again. I guess i keep playing it just for this forum (the guys i got used to talk with from time to time on the Shoutbox) and out of total boredom, + the fact that *whatever it's called - i forgot* people and animals actually have a strong tendency to get addicted to getting random rewards for simple actions, on which all casinos and stuff like that work, and for collecting - but since many quit PPS and the collection of cards can never be completed, i'm losing the interest to play PPS more and more over time. And yepp, probably you're right - i guess there is no point in trying to get all the event reward cards, since i can't "get them all" in teh end, so i'll probably keep playing PPS only to lvlup all my cards to lvl 100 and to get EG and Exploration reward movies on the further updates, and, probably, screw up Dailies and Rankings.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Vic47 View Post
    I was talking about the PPS and i thought IT was pretty obvious...
    It stopped being obvious when you wrote about other games and real life

    About the rest of your post, I do some of the daily missions but not all of them. I usually go for R Gacha Ticket from 10x Chance mission (pretty easy to do once you unlock girls hunt quest) and gift mission for pero. Apart from these 2, I also do stamina mission, pie mission and find x girls mission (normal and rare variants from N Gacka Tickets). Don't really care about the others but if I have some spare stamina (like now, during this event, due to pero shakes which will be removed after this event anyway), then I go for pero/exp missions too. Ofc there are days (like yesterday) when I wasnt home until 23:00 so then I just dont give a fuck

    About events, I'm at 630k SED and 50lvl so never really needed any consumables to achieve top 1k. I might need em in this one tho coz there were plenty of days that kept me busy. Currently im 1300 rank but I have around 70 peronamin, 90 peronamin half and around the same numbers of puddings. Why do I have them? As I said, never really needed to use em so I just stashed them for the dark hour.

  9. #9
    - Reading this post
    - Seeing how Nutaku launch the same campaign for AS.
    - Seeing how AS got better treatment than PPS.

    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    [QUOTE=Balek;8048]Well, i am an F2P item hoarder, so i don't spend those consumables (except for the time limited ones) so mostly i can't do all dailies, but since i'm a shut-in, and have like 10-14 hours for games every day, i manage to do at least stamina, pie, get cards (except for "get 3 SRs", and sometimes "get 1 SR" if i have bad luck and don't get one with 50+ Ngacha tickets) and one or two for SR WC (usually, Chance Time and Exp on Exploring or Chance Time adn Pero on GHQ). I don't go for Gifts mission, since the reward is low, and i get those giftback NWC anyway, even without the mission, but since i'm UTC+3, and Restart is at 2 AM here, when i go to bed in the morning, or stay awake for more than 20 hours, skipping sleep, i manage to complete almost all dailies (except for get 3 SRs and the last stage of Exp or Pero dailies) - especially during EG/SEG Events, when the rolls are very cheap (3 Sta or so).

    Quote Originally Posted by Balek View Post
    About events, I'm at 630k SED and 50lvl so never really needed any consumables to achieve top 1k. I might need em in this one tho coz there were plenty of days that kept me busy. Currently im 1300 rank but I have around 70 peronamin, 90 peronamin half and around the same numbers of puddings. Why do I have them? As I said, never really needed to use em so I just stashed them for the dark hour.
    About the Events - well, it takes me to play most of the day, since my SED is currently 389k and my lvl is 47, but i end up in those ranks i want, or, sometimes, even better - if i don't skip a day or two somehow, and if it's not a very SED-depending event like SEG battles, where our "whales" take all the top ranks.
    SEG killing is fun for me, but overall i wish there would be at least bigger Focus Storage, to not have play so often if i don't want it to be full and unused while i'm not playing and have at least one Event per month, to have more time for other things.

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