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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    my sed is 217,803 with sed event cards boost its 7,163,140 need some more active friends for event
    Last edited by cornmaster; 04-27-2016 at 02:22 PM.

  2. #2
    ID : 280707
    I'm actually at 167,788 sed.

    I don't know if i can have more sed quickly without using real money :/
    I'm playing everyday

  3. #3
    ....well at start do all quest and use all pero on gacha items...and remember those gacha must be use for some quest...after a while and when you increase your pool of stamina, you will start getting a lot of pero pero.....after sometime you will be able to max all red cards...then will start silver and last gold.... for max seed exist 2 strategies....get all M cards to 75 aprox and then get all babe to max and then sexy to max....probably is the best option at start...later (over 300k ) you get more seed maxing first sexy then moe cards (75)and last babe. if have a steady 1m sed and dont bother like me just select the one you like.

    try get all cards in normal gacha, and collection (check wiki for times and cards) then all rare gacha cards and kurito.

    PD i will make space for 10 people now ...has passed time i clear some friends....

  4. #4
    ID: 1565038
    SED: 671,005
    Event SED: 1,449,371

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