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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Balek View Post
    Yeah but you have 2 R slayers, thats already a huge boost, and u also used 200 radars so that seems a bit right. So you are even bigger proof that 70k with just 1 slayer is impossible.
    Yes, 70k with one R slayer it's almost impossibile (without radar and/or glasses). I got 5 salyers (2 N and 3 R) with a multiplier of 5.02 and I don't think I'll reach 70k (cause my target was 50k and I save radar/glasses for the next gambit).

  2. #2
    Level 85, this means 526 stamina (i invested in peronamin at first days of server to boost lvl, now i don't regret it)

    New event/ WTF Nutaku-afc.gif

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Holic View Post
    Yes, 70k with one R slayer it's almost impossibile (without radar and/or glasses). I got 5 salyers (2 N and 3 R) with a multiplier of 5.02 and I don't think I'll reach 70k (cause my target was 50k and I save radar/glasses for the next gambit).
    4 r gachas to Kurito bring a high chance to get glasses.

    - - - Updated - - -

    FYI, Macro Führer is lvl 123, mind how much stamina can refill per pot.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Well, the Gambit will end in 13 hours, it's already 11 PM, so i'm going to bed in a few hours - and i, usually, sleep around 9 hours - which means for me the Gambit can be considered over. I've played from day 1, got both N SECs as soon as they became available, to get maximum of bonus stamps from every stamp chance i'll encounter, stayed awake for 2 days in arow, missing sleep a few times, using up my 300+ Sta all the time to not let it fill up to max when i was awake and so on, and i'm still at only 25k Stamps and location 198. Which means i'm not getting the only card i want from this Gambit (the 50k stamps prize) by no means and even, probably, won't be able to get the one for 200 locations and see the final story scene this time (though, this time the story is just a series of boring random crap, imo)
    Meh. I understand, that with tons of Glasses on the previous Gambit it was too easy to get to the Ex Stage in a few days, and it killed the very idea of the "Choice of Fate", since you always had enough Glasses to not guess and rely on pure luck, and skip the retries, but completely removing them just killed f2p experience instead. I mean, what's the point in even trying to compete for the 50k SR if you get TWICE less stamps than required, no matter how hard you try? I could've understand if i'd miss, say, 1k, 2k, okay, 5k, having _a little_ less than 50k to the last day of Gambit if i were lazy, and log in to the game only, like, twice a day, or skipped a few, or just one day, but making it like that... I'm just at a lack of words. Oh, and those "1 mil stamps" requirements for the top reward just makes me laugh. I mean, why won't they just finally make the game "pay to play" if they hate freetoplayers so much? Otherwise, what is the point of playing a "collectible card game" if you can't, actually, collect all the cards? (or, at least, make a collection of cards that you actually like, and want to have in it)
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  4. #4
    If you're still at location 198 then clearly thats where you did wrong lol. As we said since the first gambit, use ur peronamins that u have stored in time to reach location 100 and 200 in the first or second day it's available.
    Once u are there the chance time will appear more often and also the prize of getting the right choice of an EX stage, can be 100 or 300 stamps.
    PPS: Neko, ID 955968, nyan pie for u
    DP : http://www.drapro-nutaku.dmmgames.co...a/index/131472

  5. #5
    failing has more chance to get stamps than doing the right point (which drops pero more ofthen than any item)

    other point to try the last places is trends. At first perogambit, some positions was pretty rare (like the 2-6 pair on that moment) and exists some stats, at least for stamps.

    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  6. #6
    well i know event is over but...gt to 50k needed more peronamis that i wanted...still i finished with 52k, 8 peronamin and 21 peronamin half for next perogambit event....and nope only slayers i got where the ones of normal gacha

  7. #7
    Prepare your anus and wallets, next EG will be at 24th while stage 4 still broken. "Good" idea Nutkau.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

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