Quote Originally Posted by Balek View Post
Programmer and developer usually refers to the same thing. Developer is mostly used as your job description, for example "Senior/Junior Software/SpecificLanguage Developer" coz it sounds more fancy than a "Programmer" :P
As an IT student I explain you the difference, that really exist between the two terms:
A programmer is someone who gets to transfer sth immediately into code. These are most of the time smaller tasks without the need of the programmer doing some planing or to work in a group.
A developer is tasked to realize a customer's wish with a team, that needs several steps like planing in what tasks the project is seperated, time frame of the project, development environment etc.
In short, a programmer takes the coding part on in a project, a developer needs the know-how of the project in the whole, because it's not only coding for him, but planing, to bring different parts of the project together etc.