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  1. Do not bother reporting any of this stuff.
    This whole thing is based on pure speculation and is inflated to the point it is easy to prove wrong and it will not be taken seriously, specially by a company.
    Also keep in mind that sharing accounts, multiboxing or even using ingame macro's is not against their ToS.

    That being said, if you dont like someone or feel like someone is impairing your ability to play or enjoy the game, remove or block them. That is perfectly fine.
    Just try to be civil about it and present your opinion calmly and rationally if you want to be taken seriously.

  2. #2
    You're wrong in only one point, macros are against ToS, see point 3 (User Conduct)

    use any robot, spider, scraper, or other automated means to access the Website for any purpose;
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomaa View Post
    using ingame macro's
    WHAT?? Are you saying macro's are pre-installed in the game itself by the devs, and they are not a side software executed, like auto mouse clicker or something???
    Well, then, and if it's not something against their ToS, i'd like to know a macro to roll the goddamn Ngacha on it's own, bacause i hate spending time on rolling it for like 50 times every day, sinche there is no "roll x10" button here like it is in LoV, for example, and getting those SR cards from it is a brainer... =_=" (this will also not impair anything, so i don't count this as "cheating" against anyone)
    Also, what is "multiboxing"? I've never herad such a term before...
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  4. Quote Originally Posted by chillinfar View Post
    You're wrong in only one point, macros are against ToS, see point 3 (User Conduct)
    thats not what it means

    Quote Originally Posted by Vic47 View Post
    WHAT?? Are you saying macro's are pre-installed in the game itself by the devs, and they are not a side software executed, like auto mouse clicker or something???
    Well, then, and if it's not something against their ToS, i'd like to know a macro to roll the goddamn Ngacha on it's own, bacause i hate spending time on rolling it for like 50 times every day, sinche there is no "roll x10" button here like it is in LoV, for example, and getting those SR cards from it is a brainer... =_=" (this will also not impair anything, so i don't count this as "cheating" against anyone)
    Also, what is "multiboxing"? I've never herad such a term before...
    multiboxing is playing on 2 separate accounts at the same time

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    The automated thingie does not necessarily mean macros or clickbots. It means a program that understands the game and sends the game commands for you. A clickbot only repeats a click you already did, that is why Tomaa suggests it is not against the ToS. It's not automating the GAME it's automating the COMPUTER and thus does not cause any changes in the game. An opposite form of this would be to make a program that understands the games commands and gives the games commands on its own. A clickbot does not understand anything, it just repeats something you already did to infinity.

    At least that's what i've understood. Don't sue if i'm wrong :P

  6. Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    The automated thingie does not necessarily mean macros or clickbots. It means a program that understands the game and sends the game commands for you. A clickbot only repeats a click you already did, that is why Tomaa suggests it is not against the ToS. It's not automating the GAME it's automating the COMPUTER and thus does not cause any changes in the game. An opposite form of this would be to make a program that understands the games commands and gives the games commands on its own. A clickbot does not understand anything, it just repeats something you already did to infinity.

    At least that's what i've understood. Don't sue if i'm wrong :P
    What you have in mind is called a bot. That is not covered by their ToS as well, but I never even heard about such bot.
    Macro itself is an automated action, but its not accessing the website itself.
    What that line refers to is web server access using automated tasks like crawling, bruteforcing, etc. It is standard line in ToS and its purpose is mainly to prevent unintentional DDoS and to stop people poking around out of curiosity.

    That being said, I dont endorse using macros. ToS can change any time, and in theory, they can ban anyone for any reason.

  7. #7
    I must admit that I actually thought that they were referring to macros when someone qouted that line on this forum, but your explanations makes a lot of sense.
    Besides, it seems very unlikely that Nutaku would bother to hire a person just to track down a few macro users, while only a few hunderd players are actually spending money on this game.

    Well I am not a computer genius at all, so you guys wont have to worry that I will start using a program like that in the future

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Well what that paragraph means, is a program that itself makes/forces access to the game code to get info/to change parameters that normal players shouldn't have access to.
    A clickbot doesn't do that, it's just recorded the clicks of the mouse and repeats them that means it doesn't affect the game code at all and as such doesn't go against the rules.
    Yeah it's not nice, but such things are in most games not covered, because there is no possible way for a developer/publisher to prove sth like that if it doesn't affect the game code directly.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomaa View Post
    multiboxing is playing on 2 separate accounts at the same time
    Oh, thanks. We call them "multiacc(ount)"s or "twink"s in Russian. And i've also heard a term "smurf" for the second an other, smaller-level accounts here, i believe...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, ok, i've read this therad since i last was here, but, since i had no sleep for like 25h+ i've lost who said what, wbut here is my asnwerz...
    1) I've already told you how how once ended a donators "riot" on similiar game on VK - the admins just banned several hundred accounts without even checking if they were donation, cheating, botting or anything. They just did that and cared shit. Sure there were much more donating players on that game than PPS has, but the iot-starters were, mostly, from a top-donator's elite clan - a bunch of rich people who spend thoulsands of bucks on most PPS-like games on VK just to be "a top VK gaming clan in all games" on al the scoreboards. So it was a goddamn solid piece of that company's income. and they still didn't cared.
    2) The clickbots. First, they actually interact with the game with their automated behaviour. And even while modern clickers have alot of randomizers (like clicking only inside the slected areas to not miss the buttons but always click different pixels of them (coordinates on the screen), randomizers for +XX pixels to the last click on random direction, and +/-random seconds to the time delay between the steps of your script and click repeeats, and even install a separate set of "kb/mouse" drivers to actually imitate phisical HID devices on the system, they still are getting tracked, by those timestamps, clicking "heat maps" (logging the coordinates of ALL your clicks and learning and finding your "human" and your "clickbot" clicking behaviour patterns) they still get caught. The very same "Madness" games required you to punch those Elite Guard equivalents in the face hundreds of times in a sequence with your weapon, so people tried automating that - and get banned in a matter of days.
    Still, i have to admit, that i've tried and used some self-made scripted patterns using few clickbots known to me, to roll the bloody Ngacha for SR cards daily mission a few times, and i'm still playing, but i quickly noticed, that when _I_ play, i playe really different than my best Clicker Script (i make alot of mistakes, often click multiple times before the came can actually accept my click and go to teh next step, use much more different time delays between clicks on different roll stages, etc, so it is bloody easy to feel the difference when it is me and when it is the clicker software that rolls the gacha. So i could get caught really quick if they really do track down clickbotters, etc. I don't know, was i to quick to stop that, or don't they actually care, or is it not violating their ToS as they meant it (maybe they really only against the stuff that messes up with the game's code directly and might casue DDOS', lag, crash, cheating, account theft etc. and clickbots are considered "OK") or thet they just close their eyes on EA and other "Whales" cheating just because they pay alot or whatever (also, remember all those lags, error/crashes/otehr problems on SEG events? Could these be because some of the "whales" (or not) really messed up with the game's code directly with some cheats?
    Oh, and i also forgot those session interrupts that happen all the time, and popping up windows requiring you to press "ok" and then manually updte your gam epage to continue playing? Them, and those random events called 'step-up animations" also break down your sweet Clicker Soft scripted pattern, or make you add an nunneeded action to teh script, that will prove you are using a bot, because you click several extra times to try to skip those Step-ups, while there are no step-ups most pf the time... (this is not the problem on opening gambit ases, though,as there no Step-Up and onther changing things, mostly, but the clicker will just try and "poen cases" when there are no cases to open, giving itself out...)
    So, well, if someone wants to check out Nutaku's clickbot detection system and theyr toleracne to such behaviour, i can teach you that (i suppose that would be our Admins - Tmoaa or Kotono, who i trust the most, or a person they will consider trustworthy enough to test it, to not use the soft i'll give them to cheat on other players like EA does. (of course this should be done on a brand new account, probably proxied, to hide it's creator's and user's IP or something, too, or on someone's "dropped for good", but previously donate-infused acc, to also test the tolerance on donators' accs, to find out, if Nutaku don't care of clickbots for all, or only for the big spenders) Still, it is very easily tracked, so i warn you not to try it on your own account untill it will get proved to be ban-safe. Or we can just forget what i've just said and leave things as the yare now, playing as we always do =)

    ugh, i need some sleep now... Peace ^_^; V
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

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