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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Well what that paragraph means, is a program that itself makes/forces access to the game code to get info/to change parameters that normal players shouldn't have access to.
    A clickbot doesn't do that, it's just recorded the clicks of the mouse and repeats them that means it doesn't affect the game code at all and as such doesn't go against the rules.
    Yeah it's not nice, but such things are in most games not covered, because there is no possible way for a developer/publisher to prove sth like that if it doesn't affect the game code directly.

  2. #2
    How is a an autoclicker not an automated means of accessing the site?

    Also it Doesn't matter anyways because the people who are cheating have spent thousands on their accounts and Nutaku wont ban those people. Pretty sure nothing happened to the people who cheated on the first coliseum event.
    Last edited by nip101; 12-08-2015 at 05:54 PM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by nip101 View Post
    How is a an autoclicker not an automated means of accessing the site?
    Because they mean access as in gaining access to the code structures of the game and site. They mean an automated process that KNOWS how to handle game messages. It knows it shall access the case menu and then search for gambit cases. If there are any it will automatically open them. Basically it digs deep into game data to know what it must do.

    In contrast a clickbot, while automated, does not "access" the site/game, it just clicks places on the screen, much as if you had just set some contraption on top of your mouse to spam the left key. It is an "outside" process meaning it does not gain access to game data, it simply clicks a place on the screen and is none the wiser of what it does, it just repeats a process without modifying game data. This is then used to click in the very specific locations where the buttons are, but it is still done with the very same process as if you would have clicked the button yourself, therefor it does not "access" the game.

    To be even more specific: A computer has commands for what happens when you press the left mousebutton. It then tells that something has been pressed on that part of the screen, that is all. The clickbot just tells the computer the very same thing that a mouse click would have done. The type of program that nutaku dislikes instead bypasses this completely by accessing the actual game and telling the game "go to this menu, do this thing" rather than telling the computer "this place was clicked, act on it."

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    The automated thingie does not necessarily mean macros or clickbots. It means a program that understands the game and sends the game commands for you. A clickbot only repeats a click you already did, that is why Tomaa suggests it is not against the ToS. It's not automating the GAME it's automating the COMPUTER and thus does not cause any changes in the game. An opposite form of this would be to make a program that understands the games commands and gives the games commands on its own. A clickbot does not understand anything, it just repeats something you already did to infinity.

    At least that's what i've understood. Don't sue if i'm wrong :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomaa View Post
    What you have in mind is called a bot. That is not covered by their ToS as well, but I never even heard about such bot.
    Macro itself is an automated action, but its not accessing the website itself.
    What that line refers to is web server access using automated tasks like crawling, bruteforcing, etc. It is standard line in ToS and its purpose is mainly to prevent unintentional DDoS and to stop people poking around out of curiosity.

    That being said, I dont endorse using macros. ToS can change any time, and in theory, they can ban anyone for any reason.
    Quote Originally Posted by Massume View Post
    I must admit that I actually thought that they were referring to macros when someone qouted that line on this forum, but your explanations makes a lot of sense.
    Besides, it seems very unlikely that Nutaku would bother to hire a person just to track down a few macro users, while only a few hunderd players are actually spending money on this game.

    Well I am not a computer genius at all, so you guys wont have to worry that I will start using a program like that in the future
    I highlighted that part of the ToS because is generic, when they said "or other automated means to access the Website for any purpose" it means any automated action over the site, even if you don't alter some code.

    A DDoS attack by example, can be provoked using one feature of the victim site at great scale; you don't even need a "l33t h4xx0r" to provoke it, just a huge amount of coordinated people abusing of the same task, no coding involved. i.e the 4chan vs Tumblr pic war, specially how Tumblr users reacted against /b/ wankers.

    A mouse macro works with the same idea at very little scale. Yes, the mimic is realized at local level, but not the data sent everytime that you use any Nutaku app.

    And how staff can see (using logs) if a user is automating some actions? Easy, if logs has timestamps these can bring a clue, even with Wireshark or MS Network monitor i can test it (limited to my own side). I can see the Nutaku ID inside the URL executing some of them, so is possible to identify some behavior.

    As i said before, a delay between boxes (picking it manually) already exists, that's why those moves looks suspicious.
    Last edited by chillinfar; 12-08-2015 at 06:42 PM.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    can someone give me a plausible scenario for a "macro" to open pink boxes ?? i mean the scenario it would follow

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    can someone give me a plausible scenario for a "macro" to open pink boxes ?? i mean the scenario it would follow
    k i made an account better this way.
    so you are saying the guy setup a clicker on different intervals and areas on the screen to refresh/open pink boxes ?
    Last edited by SumTingRong; 12-09-2015 at 01:24 PM.

  7. #7
    is possible
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

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