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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Yeah, I personally wouldn't spend any money on this. And won't. Being a F2P player feels so great when you manage to keep up with the P2W players. lol. That 500 gold you get for inviting friends, spent it on card reveals, used them in the gacha, got redundant cards. It honestly feels better using card reveals you earn from events and just guessing for the SRs since you're not wasting anything just guessing. I do understand wanting to spend money for the event gacha, but ever since I discussed with the developers about how hard it is to get SRs you don't have, I've been contemplating whether spending even 3 dollars is worth it.

    Luckily that discussion was a few weeks ago and haven't thought about it sense. Just got Runa Kamiwano from guessing. Felt happy. Still missing like 19 cards but I'll get them sooner or later, no use in spending money to speed up the process. More fun to me that way.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    I have every non-event gacha card at the moment, so only the damn event gacha can give me anything new. Considering using those card reveals to feed the squirrel and hope for the SR. I mean, i stockpile gold for events anyways, so i will get the SR cards eventually, what's the point in having card reveals? -_-

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Well that was before I found out you could feed the squirrel card reveals. When you first start out(In my case) you'd want card reveals to make it easier on yourself. You get a few guaranteed SR gacha tickets, so obviously having a card reveal would make it safer for you with not wasting something like that. You're right though, once you get into the mood of guessing right and SRs aren't that vital to your SED at the time and new, then the card reveals aren't that useful since you're ultimately gambling for two things with or without reveals: is the SR new, and is it even in the gacha if not guaranteed?

    Also it's about the rarity, I'm lvl 31 right now, and if I remember correctly I only received 2 card reveals in the missions, the least amount of any reward in the missions right now (I think the next one was the liquor you use for the squirrel) so just having it feels good I guess?

    For players like you and I, you're right it's mostly used for feeding the squirrel. There's a rare chance you could use it for event gachas and normal gachas to finish your collection. But later on when new cards came out, if you believed that there was a SR in a gacha that you haven't received yet, there's an event card or limited card that you won't get in the rankings like Runa but can get in the gacha, and your luck is poor, wouldn't having at least one be a little safe?
    Last edited by ShadowMiku; 07-10-2015 at 12:15 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Yeah, i used card reveals for guaranteed SRs in the start too, felt great. But i have to agree that the magic of reveal cards kind of drop when the damn SRs have a bigger chance of being the same card again.

    As i said in another thread, i just checked where a certain SR was in a gacha and just kept clicking that spot, which eventually gave me that card, repeating this method for every SR since they always spawned in the same spot for me. I currently have 3 card reveals after having done all the achievements, and looking at the ranking charts i will most likely get 5-8 more of them soon. Will be interesting since they're apparently the second highest in points when feeding.

  5. #5
    Well, I FINALLY got the elite alpha SR. From N gacha even. Hurray for almost 800k SED now!

    I may never spend on event gacha again, although I will admit the R slayer cards I got from it have helped me out a lot up to this point.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Well you have to think that most of the items are feeding material at this point, if I could rank the importance of items at our level right now it'd be Peronamin and Pero Pudding since you get more uses out of it. No matter what you do it seems like those materials are the hardest to gain now and you need them being someone who waits 3-4 hours for a full charge and 30 minutes for a full charge and you only get 4 full Kasumi hits. Sometimes you fall asleep/forget since the two fill up at different times. It's that whole demand thing, at lower levels you get a crap ton of those things, but once you hit 30, you're extremely limited on how you can get them. lol But yeah, I do understand what you're saying. It's more useful to people who don't know that trick, are starting out, or have poor luck since if you do have poor luck you're just happy to get a SR period. xD

    That worked for me once, then the SRs started playing tricks on me. So ultimately I just alternate from the outside cards and make my way to the middle. It also works sometimes but not always. It's like you have to feel the space you're clicking on to figure out where the damn SR is.

    Even Gacha tickets are useless now, owning every N and R card except for the event ones. So I feel your pain too. lol
    Last edited by ShadowMiku; 07-10-2015 at 12:39 PM.

  7. #7
    I would disagree with gacha tickets being useless. As far as I know, they are the best way to level up R cards without using any wild cards. And since new cards get added to it over time, you have to roll it anyway to get them.

    But I would still stop rolling once you have all the cards currently available. And save up the tickets/pero for when the next set comes in.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Okay well saying Gacha Tickets being useless seemed like a bit too much, but I was saying it getting R Wilds from Missions, Routes, Events, daily log-in bonuses and the squirrel so it's easy overall to level up R cards without using the gacha tickets in my case. I was also basing this off of R Gachas, not N Gachas (Which can be purchased with excess Pero) or SR Gachas which guarantee SRs and Rares. My apologies for not including that in my last post.

    I could even go as far to say that the tickets are somewhat needed, but after the cards are all claimed, items become more valuable to have then tickets. I used to think those tickets were amazing to have, now I only feed the squirrel with them since R Wilds aren't hard to receive anymore.

    Yeah, well now I'd say they aren't as needed as before other then leveling up rares, but once a new set comes out they are. But N tickets can be used as well.
    Last edited by ShadowMiku; 07-10-2015 at 01:16 PM.

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