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  1. PeroPero
  2. PeroPero Seduction Integration

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  1. #1
    I'm F2P and got top 500, top 500 in support, and over 200 SEGs. I've not even been playing THAT long. Still have about as many half puddings as I had when I started, though I burned a lot of full puddings.

  2. #2
    F2P here and pretty easy if u been playing for a long time, if u just started it might take a while.
    PSS ID:497721 (ilesliex3)

  3. #3
    Unless Nutaku want to cut ranking to top 100 (as did at 3rd perocolo).

    Funny fact, they fooled cash users on the way to control grinding (i.e, the Event Gacha fiasco, cut on rankings...). Better idea was releasing stages and encourage free players to rush (making less useful to stay at lower areas and restore value of peronamin).

    Now events are unbalanced for any potential casher (unless they are whaling or lucky with cards), but stages are shitty. And the worst is starting to come (perocolo and their SED tricked cards).
    Last edited by chillinfar; 01-07-2016 at 12:33 PM.
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  4. #4
    it very easy in elite guard type if you are a old player with over 500 sed and have save up some event ticket, but gambit and coliseum type don´t
    in coliseum the sr prize go to top 100 or 150 i don´t remenber well <,< but it have the free coliseum gacha box with 2 sr & other stuff and 1 event ticket for streak winthat you should save to the elite guard
    gambit is a bullshit to milk money from players ,it give 1 sr if you are lucky with silver box ¬¬

  5. #5
    last gambit was bullshit for EVERYONE, specially paying players (golden boxes was a scam, dropping pink stuff)
    Give one F2P game to a Korean: He will turn it in a P2W (pay to win)
    Give one F2P to an American: He will turn it in a P2F (Pay to fail)
    Nutaku ID: 454836

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Russia, Moscow
    Well, i wrote that alot of times already, and people above just wrote that too - it mostly depends on the type of teh event and particular Event.
    I have no idea how you guys manage to get high rankings without wpending anything and not even playing too much...
    I'm total f2p, a maniacal homestuck otaku that spends all his life on games, and can spend up to 30-35 hours contunuously with no sleep, playing some game during the time-limited event, if i get addicted to some online f2p game. Right now my top-addiction is PPS. So, during the last Gambit i'v played it from day one (night one to me, since i live in Russia and in PPS daily quests reset on 02:00 AM and daily login bonuses are given out at 03:00 AM), skipped sleep like 3 times during the Event, and always keept a laptop near me with PPS running on it, while i play different games, so i never waste any Stamina while it's full.
    Even trying that hard, the last Gambit only gave me about 30k Stamps, no matter i always picked N SECs right after they bacame available, ant levelled them up to lvl 100 before doing any rolls, so all the Stamps i get had bnus from Slayers, and i even got one R Slayer during the Stage 2 of the event. So, with new "no glasses" rule i had absolutely no chance to get 50k Stamps reward SR, And for the rating - i only cared for the EP rating and failed to kepp up in top 1k to the end of the Event, even by burning all "temporary consumables" at the last day of event (i managed to make it into 1k, but just had to go to sleep after another 30+ hours play session when i was around Rank 900 and there was a few more hours before the event end. - of course, when i woke up the event was over and i was rank 1073. Almost the same crap happened to me few more events before that, but those times it was my fault, since i didn't yet knew how Events work and what is the Time Difference (som for example, i once thought i have sevral more hours - almost half a day, actually - until the event's end, and was just about to reach the required stats to get the reward, and had more than enough temporary consumables toachieve that, but then suddenly it turned out that event ended much earlier than i expected, leaving me with no reward (and once i even won and SR card before the event has ended, but forgot to take it out the GiftBox before the even't end, and after the Maint. on Event's end it was gone, so i never obtained it.
    While, of course, having around 700, or 450 SED that i had before this event, when i used up all my accumulated R, SR and Ex Wildcards, lets me win all SRs that i want on most other Events - which, often, require getting in that 1k main even't rating...
    Stopped playing all Nutaku's games (and, thus, using HBC and other related forums) around 06.2016

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    I don't understand how you have such issues with the Gambit, especially with those levels of activity. Of course Coli/EG are far more activity reliant since Focus restores faster than Stamina, but you should still be able to use that activity to open tons of pink boxes (and no, a couple of your friends having EA as friend does not lose you all your boxes). I'm around the same level as you so we should roughly have the same max stamina. During the Gambit I got so much value out of one peronamin (half) that I'd basically break even, so I could throw tons of peronamins at the event. Heck, even after going for a massive rush near the end as I was really close to a top 300 spot I ended up with more peronamin than I had at the start of the event. I ended with 100k+ stamps and all I had was one R slayer, so even without that it'd been easy. On top of that I barely played for 4 days due to circumstances, which was the main reason I actually had to spam consumables to get back into the top 300. Even at the Gambit before that, where I wasn't so lucky to get an early r slayer, I still easily got the 50k stamps and that was at a lot lower level, so less value out of peronamins. Although of course glasses were far more common at that Gambit, which obviously was a big factor for my 50k+ on that event.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Vic47 View Post
    Even trying that hard, the last Gambit only gave me about 30k Stamps, no matter i always picked N SECs right after they bacame available, ant levelled them up to lvl 100 before doing any rolls, so all the Stamps i get had bnus from Slayers, and i even got one R Slayer during the Stage 2 of the event. So, with new "no glasses" rule i had absolutely no chance to get 50k Stamps reward SR,
    well you need plan your friends too for pero gambit...well i kinda fail 2 events ...the first one was seg...cause i was too new (2nd seg)... the other was 1st pero gambit cause didnt know much and make mistakes too many mistakes..... after it...i always get below 1k for card and the card on reward...yup all being complete f2p...

    first and more important dont use peronamin or peropudding really those are too important to waste in go below 500 only use if needed to go for 1000 or event reward.

    peronamin is very important for pero gambit so when get it...go to last floor in each part fast very fast i think took me 1 day on 1st period and 2 days in second period to get max floor, glasses are too important ...only use for pass 195-200 if get more well reduce number of floors ..... in last event were very important gold case i got thanks to friends like 30 glasses ...and i got 55k i could get a lot more stamps but i prefere conserve peronamin for other events now i have a lot for next perogambit.... last advice for perogambit dont use the pero radar until you get floor 200, and be last days ...if get pero glasses use pero radar and when you know that is 100% sure that get gold use glass, in that way you get 100*1.44 or 300*1.44 that helps a lot. basicly the first week is for get case the second week is for use what you get on first week.

    Seg event, well peronamin is not so good either...actually dont use any peronamin you get keep for perogambit... peropudding is good for stay on top 1k use it for stay low in first week and in second week if you pass over 800. in first week forget help others...really is waste of SED ...remember 1 low attack is 10%-15%(not sure of 15% but sure of 10%) so that makes you get less points for kill all you spot cause you get 3* hp that will get you with high sed..(900sed at start end with 1.2M) below 500 place, in second week the objective is attack all super that appear so use peropudding to kill segs from friends have whales for event too important after get 100 for card take it easy and prepare for next event if all go well you end 800-900 place and got all cards of event.

    current event pero colisseum....this is very lucky based but well dont use peropudding at start, is the best place to use it but peropudding dont have limit time the burger do. If have too free time just attack when you know that can win for me is rank 3...i lose 1 each 1000 fights so is very good for get the 300...after it count the number of wins before lose and use this rule rank*wins/(total fights )>rank-1 try next rank if next rank dont have it go below...that will max the tickets but will affect daily rewards ( its neccesary for get all cards).

    basicly for all events is important collect items and never try go below 500 in ranking not worth ( in terms of get cards only worth for get SED ), peronamin and peropudding are using for get cards not for get good ranking, also as you see in all my strategies ..the last days are more important than first so dont waste items on that ...example glasses or radars...or more peronamin that needed for get ex floor in 1st period.
    Last edited by khermeker; 01-09-2016 at 08:13 AM.

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest
    Yes and no. If you have low sed due to being low level or damned unlucky at collecting cards then placing could be impossible for you. However Nutaku "level Pads" which makes it harder. http://puu.sh/mzi2N/0698c68d24.jpg This pic illustrates that. Notice that the levels from 750 to 753 are absent. so if you have 1 point less then the 749level you are still fucked.... it keeps winners out of the pool... shame really.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Yes and no. If you have low sed due to being low level or damned unlucky at collecting cards then placing could be impossible for you. However Nutaku "level Pads" which makes it harder. http://puu.sh/mzi2N/0698c68d24.jpg This pic illustrates that. Notice that the levels from 750 to 753 are absent. so if you have 1 point less then the 749level you are still fucked.... it keeps winners out of the pool... shame really.
    That's not level padding. That's because there's a tie at 749. Three people have the same score.

    I have 5 contestants. A, B, C, D, and E.

    A scores 10 points
    B scores 5 points
    C scores 5 points
    D scores 2 points
    E scores 1 point

    A comes in first
    B and C tie for 2nd
    D still comes in 4th (he has the 4th highest score)
    E comes in 5th (also known as last)

    3rd isn't skipped. There are just two people that have the second-highest score. Ranking is preserved. If you want to get to a higher ranking, you have to be the Xth highest scoring person or tie with the Xth highest scoring person.

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